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It sounded like the bursting of a balloon.

It sought full protection for 1.7 million of its 9.3 million roadless acres and the option for logging and road construction in what state officials called the remaining “backcountry” areas. 它请求保护的是它境内930万英亩无路森林中的170万英亩,其余的被当地官员称作不发达地区保留伐木和开矿的权利。
It sought the path of the butterfly. 它寻求蛱蝶走的道路。
It sound like bronchitis. 听起来像支气管炎。
It sound our plan likes flawless. 听起来我们的计划好像天衣无缝.
It sounded a little crazy, during half day, we climbed 4 mountains, wow, almost could not believe, but it was really a truth! 听起来有点疯狂,半天之内爬四座山,哇,几乎不敢相信,但的确是真的!
It sounded like the bursting of a balloon. 这听起来好象是气球暴了的声音。
It sounded like truck gears grinding. Wilma peered out the window. “Harold, there's a tow truck unhooking a car in our lot. 听起来想卡车马达发动的声音。威尔玛从窗户探出头来。“哈罗德,有辆救援车在咱们的租借处卸下辆轿车。”
It sounded our plain was perfect. 听起来我们的计划好像天衣无缝.
It sounds a pretty loopy idea to me. 那个主意我觉得有点异想天开.
It sounds as if genius compensates for lack of experience. 听起来,好像天才可以弥补经验不足。
It sounds as if our plan is perfect. 听起来我们的计划好像天衣无缝.

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