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The Rossoneri are still on cloud nine following their UEFA Champions League final win over Liverpool, but club president Berlusconi is already making plans for next term.

The Roosevelt family produced two presents: Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt. 罗斯福家族出过两个总统:西奥多#8226;罗斯福和弗兰克林#8226;罗斯福.
The Rooster is known to be a very trustworthy person. 属鸡的人是非常值得信赖的人。
The Roper poll conducted the survey on behalf of National Geographic and found that most of the young adults questioned between the ages of 18 and 24 also had little knowledge about their own country, with half or fewer unable to identify the states of Ne 洛普民意研究中心代表美国国家地理协会做了此项调查,调查发现:年龄在18岁至24岁间的多数受访青年对本国的地理知识了解得也很少,其中近一半人无法在地图上指出纽约州或俄亥俄州的具体位置。
The Rosicrucian manifesto created quite a stir in European circles. 蔷薇十字会的宣言对欧洲造成相当大的震动。
The Rossoneri are now just six points off the fourth and final Champions League spot, which is currently held by Catania who have a game in hand. 红黑军团现在落后第四仅6分而且现在卡坦尼亚还有一场比赛没打,最后的积分还在他们的控制中。
The Rossoneri are still on cloud nine following their UEFA Champions League final win over Liverpool, but club president Berlusconi is already making plans for next term. 红黑军团在战胜利物浦后兴奋的第七次捧起了冠军杯,但是俱乐部主席贝鲁斯科尼已经开始在规划下个赛季了!
The Rossoneri have been in the market for a top-class striker since Andriy Shevchenko left for Stamford Bridge in the summer and are hoping to use a new FIFA rule in order to land Drogba in a cut-price deal. 自从今夏舍瓦加盟斯坦福桥,红黑军团就在转会市场物色顶级前锋,他们希望能够依据国际足联的最新规则超低价引进德罗巴。
The Rossoneri needed a confidence booster after their two consecutive Serie A home defeats to Palermo and rivals Inter, leaving them 14 points adrift of the leadership. 红黑军团需要在意甲输给巴勒莫和死敌国际,被领头羊拉下14分的差距后重拾信心.
The Rossoneri were initially interested in a loan deal, but have reportedly now decided to make a move to sign the player on a permanent basis until 2008. 红黑军团本来更倾向于租借,但是有报道说,俱乐部已经决定直接买断他了,他们与球员的合同将签到2008年。
The Rossoneri won 3-0 on the night to set up this week's less than comprehensive win over Liverpool. 那个夜晚红黑军团以3:0奠定了决赛对利物浦单调地胜利。
The Rossoneri would welcome back the Ukrainian with open arms, but Ancelotti is aware the striker's chances of leaving the Blues are slim to none. 红黑军会张开双臂迎接乌克兰人,但是按切落第也知道,该名前锋离开兰军的机会微乎其微。

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