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You and your newfangled notions!
又来了, 又是你那些时髦儿货色!

You and me hold the same view. 我和你意见一致。
You and me in the circle of everyday life Climbing through miments of death and delight Now I've found my good night in the spiral of light That shines in your intimate smile Indescribable night Indescribable night Indescribable night Sailor oh sailor won 你我日复一日在死亡与喜悦之间匍匐前进而今在光漩里我找到了安谧在你贴心的笑容里熠熠发光水手啊水手别因此骄傲能在最险恶的云里找到一线透亮你寻著智慧一种谦卑的声音在这谦卑的夜里回荡无以名状的夜无以名状的夜无以名状的夜是你吗?
You and mum knew all this time? 你和妈妈一直都知道这件事?
You and the Fish are probably the two most sensitive signs of the zodiac. 巨蟹-双鱼:你和鱼儿是黄道带里最敏感的2个星座。
You and your brother Jews may then do whatever seems best with the rest of the silver and gold, in accordance with the will of your God. 18剩下的金银,你和你的弟兄看着怎样好,就怎样用,总要遵着你们神的旨意。
You and your newfangled notions! 又来了, 又是你那些时髦儿货色!
You and your partner should not compose the report or exam answer as you sit together, but only take notes. “与合作者碰头时,应该是讨论并记录要点,而不是商讨报告或者答案的起草”?
You and your sister said so yourselves. 你和你姐姐都这么说。
You and your spouse both have to sign this contract. 你和你的配偶都需要签这份合同。
You answer either/or questions with yes. 你用「是」回答非此即彼的问题。
You answer is not quite correct. 你的回答不太正确.

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