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Colonel: How's this? Let's see you outrun me now!

Colonel Saito: Do not speak to me of rules. This is war! This is not a game of cricket! 斋藤上校:别跟我提规矩,这是战争!不是板球赛!
Colonel Snow says he and his Iraqi Army counterpart have been trying to anticipate new tactics Al-Qaida in Iraq's leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, may adopt to disrupt the referendum vote. 斯诺上校说,他和他的伊拉克军官同行,一直在努力探索基地组织在伊拉克的领袖扎卡维可能采用什么阴谋来扰乱公决投票。
Colonel Stewart Navarre, a marine court spokesman, stressed that at the moment all of the accused were presumed innocent. 海军法庭发言人—上校斯蒂沃特.纳瓦尔强调说对于那些受到指控的士兵,此时假定他们是无罪的。
Colonel! Even if they are our enemies, they \'re still our countrymen! 上校!就算他们是敌人,可仍然是我们的同胞!
Colonel! Even if they are our enemies, they\'re still our countrymen! 长官!即使他们是我们的敌人,但他们始终是我国的人民!
Colonel: How's this? Let's see you outrun me now! 上校:这个如何?让我们看看你如何跑得过我!
Colonel: I don't think he will. 我觉得他不会合作。
Colonel: If they bomb their own troops, they must have their reasons. 将军:如果他们要炸他们自己的军队,他们一定有他们的理由。
Colonel: Marijuana isn't a drug. Look at what goes on in Vietnam. From the general down to the private, they all smoke. 上校:大麻不是毒品。看看在越南发生了什么。从将军到士兵,他们都吸这个。
Colonel: You're a tough one, my friend. A lesser man would be dead by now. 上校:你真是个硬骨头。我的朋友。要是差一点的人现在已经死了。
Colonel:Given that circumstances, you are free to what you see fit. (既然这样,你觉得合适的话只管去做吧。)

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