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For an indefinite period from here on, mankind is going to advance cautiously, and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all.

For an eye-catching pair of shoes, all you'll need is an old pair of shoes, some super glue, fake jewels and imagination. 要做一双惹眼的鞋,你所需要的就是一双旧鞋、一些强力胶、假珠宝和想象力。
For an hour, Judy read in the quiet house. 朱迪在安静的屋子里看书,有一小时之久。
For an idea of what is to come—in magnitude if not in specifics—look to the past. 未来将会如何——不讲细节,只讲大的方面——我们回头看。
For an illustration of the left text margin, see Screen layout. 如果想得到一个关于左文本缩进值的例子,请参看屏幕布局。
For an in-depth search, even a small change in sky location makes the Doppler shift different enough to completely wash out any signal if done wrong. 对于深入的研究,即使是天空中位置的小小变换,相应的多普勒偏移也是不同的,如果处理不对,什么有用的信号都观测不到。
For an indefinite period from here on, mankind is going to advance cautiously, and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all. 从现在开始,人类在一段不确定时期内要谨慎发展,并反思人类还能发展是侥幸的。
For an independent voter the only argument for keeping the Republicans in charge is the prospect of something worse (Cromwell, remember, replaced the Rump Parliament with a military dictatorship). 对于一个能够自主做决定的选民而言,留住共和党的唯一理由便是:更换也许会愈加糟糕(记得克伦威尔的例子吗?
For an inspection yard invested in by an operation unit, the operation unit shall apply to the Port Administration authorities of the local People's Government at county or city level. 由经营单位投资经营的,经营单位须向口岸所在县(市)人民政府口岸主管部门申报。
For an instant, the gaze of the horror-stricken multitude was concentred on the ghastly miracle; while the minister stood, with a flush of triumph in his face, as one who, in the crisis of acutest pain, had won a victory. 刹那间,惊慌失措的人们的凝视的目光一下子聚集到那可怖的奇迹之上;此时,牧师却面带胜利的红光站在那里,就象一个人在备受煎熬的千钧一发之际却赢得了胜利。
For an instrument error of less than 3 %, calibrate the pressure-indicating device in such a manner that known pressures are applied dynamically at approximately the same rate as in testing of paper. 我的理解是:对于误差少于3%的机器,要在了解动态应用的压力速度和纸试验速度大约一样的方式下校准指示压力装置。
For an offence of this gravity , imprisonment is the usual punishment. 对这种重大罪行通常处以监禁.

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