The proposed approach is robust to local minima of the energy functional because it is minimized by dynamic programming method in the whole energy space.
由于采用了动态规划法并在整个能量空间中搜索能量泛函的极值,算法对能量泛函的局部极值有较强的鲁棒性。 |
The proposed changes include streamlined applications from skilled, potential migrants and handling residency applications in New Zealand, rather than abroad.
提议的修改内容包括简化技术和潜在移民的申请,在新西兰国内、而不是在国外办理永久居民申请案。 |
The proposed character recognition technology using pattern distinguishing and structure analysis can solve the problem that not all characters are in one plane and the box numbers are not horizontal in container number identification of intelligent conta
摘要文章介绍的模式识别与结构分析组合及箱号校对的识别技术,很好地解决了集装箱智能道口箱号识别中的字符不完全在一个平面上与箱号横竖排列不定等问题。 |
The proposed concepts of Anthroposphereand Anthropocene Erarepresent the latest development of earth system science, which further emphasize the role of human being in the changing earth system.
研究证明,今天,人类的社会和经济活动的范围之广和强度之大,已经足以开始对整个地球的气候和生态系统产生显著的影响。 |
The proposed controls would have forced BP to invest in upgrading the exhaust system on the unit at the refinery that exploded to include a flare.
有关方面所提议的管控,将迫使英国石油在排气系统升级上进行投资,即在炼油厂所爆炸之处安装一个安全助燃功能。 |
The proposed fourteen billion dollar deal will create the first trans-Atlantic stock exchange. American and European government officials must still approve the merger plan.
这项合值一百四十亿美元的交易将首先建立一个大西洋彼岸证券交易,美国合欧盟政府必须批准该合并计划。 |
The proposed function has same properties just as the ones of paper [1], unifies the forms when the intervals have common endpoint or not, avoids the impact of the level and dimension of values and make the extension analysis be more objective, is continu
该初等关联函数具有与文[1]初等关联函数相似的性质,且统一了有公共端点和无公共端点区间类型,能消除量级和量纲的影响,使得可拓优度评价结果更客观,在除了公共端点外的全体实数域内连续且在中点取得最大值,并有更宽的适用范围。 |
The proposed fuzzy sliding mode controller does not require any knowledge of a nonlinear system and attempts to improve both transient and stability margins.
建议的模糊滑动模式控制器是针对非线性系统在未知参数变化与结构下的强健追踪控制,其设计包含补偿器、衰减技术、模糊逻辑近似法。 |
The proposed identification method can precisely identify the four flow patterns of the air water two phase flow in a horizontal pipe, providing an effective new method for the flow pattern identification.
对水平管内空气水两相流4种流型的识别结果表明该方法能够有效地识别流型。 |
The proposed indicator kriging classification algorithm has the following advantages: (1) it can deal with anisotropic problem in feature space, (2) it is a nonparametric method, and need not to know the type of probability distribution, and (3) it yields
此分类法具有如下之优点:(1)可处理特征空间中非等向分布之问题,(2)该方法属于无母数分类法,不需假设各类特征之机率分布类型,(3)对训练像元之分类正确率可达100%。 |
The proposed landmark was a group of four buildings in the shape of an air plane located at the seafront in Kai Tak Airport .
学生建议于九龙城区加设地标,位于旧启德机场海滨位置,让维港两岸的建筑更添特色。 |