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Miliary pulmonary tuberculosis in cases( .8%) was characterized by diffused military nodular imaging in both lungs,with the diameter of -mm.
粟粒型肺结核例( .8%),表现为两肺弥漫性粟粒状结节状影像,病灶直径~mm。

Microstructure and Ultrastructure of the Haemocyte of Lampetra japonica (Martens) 日本七鳃鳗血细胞显微及亚显微结构
Microvascular repairs of rats'femoral ar-teries averaging 0. mm in diameter using 8-0 Max-on sutures gave an immediate patency rate of 00 percent and a late patency rate of 9. per cent after to weeks. 用8-0Maxon缝线吻合外径平均0. mm的大白鼠股动脉 次,即时通畅率为00%,吻合后一周的晚期通畅率为9.%。
Microwave Synthesis of Oxamide Ligands 草酰胺配体的微波合成
Middle molecular substances(MMS) were gel-chromagraphically separated from the plasma of uraemia patients,and then injected into rats' tail veins to study the effect on myocardial contractility. 用凝胶层析法分离出尿毒血症患者血浆中分子物质(MMS),经尾静脉注入大鼠体内,观察MMS对大鼠心肌收缩能力的影响。
Midwife Metier Infect of Defend 助产士职业感染的预防
Miliary pulmonary tuberculosis in cases( .8%) was characterized by diffused military nodular imaging in both lungs,with the diameter of -mm. 粟粒型肺结核例( .8%),表现为两肺弥漫性粟粒状结节状影像,病灶直径~mm。
Military laser and electro-optic teehnology in the United Kingdom,Gen.B.de st Germain,Military laser activities in France,M.Hartl,Electro-opties in German defense systems 西欧三国军用激光和电光系统的情况
Milk protein fiber dyeing is carried out with Lanasol dyestuffs. 采用Lanasol型活性染料对牛奶蛋白纤维进行染色。
Mimic field efficacy test showed that h knock down rate was 87.% and h mortality was 00% against Culex pipiens pallens; 模拟现场对淡色库蚊h击倒率为87.%,h死亡率为00%;
Miniature novels are supposed to become the "cavalry unit" of environmental literature, get a keen insight into the eco-crisis troubling mankind and find some ways to settle the crisis. 微型小说应该成为环境文学的轻骑兵,应高扬生态的旗帜,树立生态伦理信念,不仅洞察当今困扰人类的生态危机的严重局势,而且为解决这一危机积极地寻找出路。
Minimal saturation of blood oxygen had positive correlation with (corpus linguae+soft palate) area/pharyngo-oral cavity area (P < 0.0). 最低血氧饱和度与(舌体+软腭)面积/口咽腔面积呈显著正相关(P<0.0)。

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