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He who hears you hears Me, and he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.

He who has no shame has no conscience. 不知羞耻的人不知自疚。
He who has not tasted bitten knows not what sweet is. 没有尝过苦味的人,不知道甜蜜的滋味。
He who has seen present things has seen all, both everything which has taken place from all eternity and everything which will be for time without end; for all things are of one kin and of one form. 目睹当下事物的人也就目睹了所有,目睹了由永恒派生的事物和所有永恒的事物,毕竟,所有事物都有一个共同的起源。
He who has tasted the sweetness of solitude and tranquility becomes free from fear and free from sin. 当一个人品尝到孤独与恬静的美味时,便不会产生恐惧的心理和犯罪的行为。
He who has the bigger stick has the better chance of imposing his definitions of reality. “谁的棍棒大,谁就较有机会把他的定义强加为真理。”
He who hears you hears Me, and he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me. 16又对门徒说,听从你们的,就是听从我;弃绝你们的,就是弃绝我;弃绝我的,就是弃绝那差遣我的。
He who heeds instruction is on the path of life, But he who forsakes reproof goes astray. 17谨守训诲的,乃在生命的途径上;离弃责备的,便失迷了路。
He who hesitate is lost.Never hesitate. 犹豫错失机会.决不犹豫.
He who hesitates is lost. 迟疑失良机。
He who hunts for flowers will find flowers; and he who loves weeds will find weed. 寻找花朵的人将找到花朵;喜爱杂草的人将只觅得杂草。
He who is a partner with a thief hates his own life; He hears the oath but tells nothing. 箴29:24人与盗贼分赃、是恨恶自己的性命.他听见叫人发誓的声音、却不言语。

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