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Do we economize on lights,telephons,computers,air-conditioners and copy papers succesfully?

Do water the flowers tomorrow. 明天务必要浇花。
Do we Comment on Something else Thru it? 我们是否通过它来评论一些别的事情?
Do we all agree on the best course of action? 我们是否一致同意这一最佳措施?
Do we become inpatient and complain when we face obstacles in life? 当我们在生活中面对障碍时,我们是否也会失去耐心,也常抱怨?
Do we dare tell them the truth? 我们敢告诉他们真相吗?
Do we economize on lights,telephons,computers,air-conditioners and copy papers succesfully? 在你我使用电灯、电话、电脑、空调、复印纸的时候,我们做到节约了吗?
Do we flip a coin to see who gets the seat on the lifeboat , or do we resort to violence to ensure our self-divservation ? 我们会抛硬币决定谁上救生船,还是会诉诸暴力以求得自保。
Do we flip a coin to see who gets the seat on the lifeboat , or do we resort to violence to ensure our self-preservation ? 我们会抛硬币决定谁上救生船,还是会诉诸暴力以求得自保。
Do we have a quorum? 我们有法定人数吗?
Do we have any noodles or juice? 有一些面条和果汁吗?
Do we have any recourse? 我们有任何求助的对象吗?

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