The animation movies produced by Hayao Miyazaki, the Japanese director and animator, are a major Oriental force to contend in the animation circle with those of Walt Disney Television Animation or DreamWorks Animation.
日本导演宫崎骏的动画片是能够和迪斯尼,梦工厂共分天下的一支重要东方力量。 |
The anionic polymerization of alkyl(meth) acrylates, as well as the synthesis of different polymers and their applications were reviewed with 38 references.
摘要综合分析了近年来有关(甲基)丙烯酸烷基酯负离子聚合所取得的成就,包括该类单体对负离子聚合的意义、聚合难点和解决办法。 |
The ankle must be lacerated by some kind of plant.
脚踝一定是被某种植物划破了。 |
The ankles. Goddamn, anime chicks have the best freakin ankles.
脚踝。天杀的,动画少女们拥有最动人心魄且令人无法自拔的脚踝。 |
The annals of the society have been published.
社会年刊已经出版了。 |
The annex shall form an integral part of the contract.
该附件是本合同不可分割的组成部分。 |
The anniversary of the signing, February 6, is celebrated as New Zealand National Day, Waitangi Day, and is a national holiday.
2月6日是条约签定的纪念日,这一天也就是新西兰的国庆日,是全国性的节日。 |
The anniversary of your Admission Date will also be your Subscription Renewal Date.
你的周年日期也将使你重新申请日期。 |
The annotated bibliography supplements the course reading list.
下列有注释的书目是用来补充课堂教材的。 |
The announcement by Shougang, which is also known as Capital Iron &Steel, highlights the challenge smog-clogged Beijing faces in ensuring tolerably clean air for Olympic athletes next year.
首钢宣布的这一决定突显出,为确保明年奥运会参赛选手能呼吸到堪称洁净的空气,烟尘笼罩的北京所面临的挑战。 |
The announcement by the State Council, China's cabinet, and the securities and insurance regulators in Beijing, is one a flurry of initiatives announced in recent weeks to revive the capital markets.
此次声明由中国国务院、证监会和保监会在北京联合发布,它是有关部门在近几周宣布的一系列举措之一,旨在复兴中国的资本市场。 |