No matter be living in high,beautiful mountain or in the dull dell , when you lift up your head you can find ,Jesus has already equipped for us .
无论是住在美丽的高山,还是在阴暗的幽谷,当你抬起头你就会发现,主已为你我而预备。 |
No matter for the balance of power or the hegemonic stability, realism overly stresses the pursuit and manipulation of power, which usually leads to the undue extension and of power and results in conflicts and invasions.
不论是权力平衡论或是霸权稳定论,现实主义过分强调权力的追逐及运用,往往导致权力的过度扩张而酿成冲突或侵略的行径。 |
No matter hand-made postcards or electronic postcards, I think the most important thing is that you must show your love.
无论是手制贺卡还是电子贺卡,我觉得最重要的是要投入你自己的爱。 |
No matter how I try and try I just can't say goodbye.
无论我怎样努力,就是说不出再见。 |
No matter how I try and try, I just can't say goodbye!
无论我怎样尝试,就是无法和你说再见! |
No matter how agitated and upset other people get, Gill just plays it cool and gets on with her work.
不管其他人怎样焦虑不安、心烦意乱,吉尔只是若无其事地干自己的工作。 |
No matter how attractive certain members of the rebellion are, there is probably someone just as attractive who is not desperate to kill me.Therefore, I will think twice before ordering a prisoner sent to my bedchamber.
无论反抗份子中某个人士如何的美丽,世界上总会有另一个人有同等的美貌而且不会想要宰了我.因此,在我下令将她送到我的卧室之前会再三考虑. |
No matter how bad my pronunciation is, I will keep on improving!
无论我发音多么差,我还是坚持改进! |
No matter how bad my proununciation is , I will keep on improving!
无论我的发音多么差,我还是要坚持改进! |
No matter how bad the circumstance is, as long as we keep in high spirits, we can succeed in the end.
不管环境如何,只要我们保持乐观的愉快的精神,最后我就能成功。 |
No matter how beautiful our dreams are, dreams are always dreams. We can create dreams but we can't live in dreams. Only by working hard can we realize our dreams.
梦虽美,然而梦想毕竟是梦想!我们可以编织美梦,但我们毕竟不能在梦中生活。只有通过艰苦的努力,我们的生活才能像美梦一样! |