The researches on Mao Duds literary criticism are of the positive and negative attitudes in the period.
摘要新时期以来对茅盾文学批评的研究,有肯定和贬抑两种态度。 |
The researches on the synthesis, aggregation behavior and interface properties in some novel surfactants (such as some Bola and Gemini amphiphiles) are also investigated in aqueous, non-aqueous and mixed solvents.
弄清一些在材料科学、生命科学中有重要应用的两亲分子有序组合体(如囊泡、胶束等)的调控规律;发展聚集体形成理论。 |
The researches reckon that bosses themselves are as much to blame as anybody for this state of affairs.
研究人员认为,老板们自己也应对这种状况负责.(不宜译成:对状况老板们也要和任何人一样多地受责难. |
The researches show that the surveying radar technology used in highway tunnel lining can roundly detect the quality of the tunnel lining and has the advantages such as non - destructivity, high efficiency, wide-use and exactness.
研究表明利用探地雷达可全面检明隧道衬砌中的质量缺陷,并具有无损、快速、广泛、精确等优点。 |
The researchon cultural changes of the minorities is an important task for ethnology and also of common interest for multinational countries.
摘要少数民族文化变迁研究是民族学研究的一项重要内容,也是各个多民族国家共同关心的问题。 |
The resected tumor measured 9×9×6 cm, and microscopic examination revealed angiosarcoma.
切除的肿瘤大小约为9×9×6公分,病理切片检验显示确为血管肉瘤。 |
The resemblance between the two men give a strike .
这两个男子如此相似,给我留下深刻的印象。 |
The resemblance to Earth fell apart when spacecraft in the late 1960s revealed a barren, cratered world, more like the moon.
1960年代晚期造访火星的太空船,揭露了一个如月球般荒芜、充满坑洞的世界,打破了这种火星与地球相似的想法。 |
The resent situation of solar cells research organization, manufacturer, support funds, suppllier and metallization materials were reviewed. Finally, the progress in the metallization materias (electrode) was expected in future.
摘要对太阳能电池的主要研究机构、制造商、供应商的现状及金属化材料的发展进行了阐述,并指出了金属化材料的发展方向。 |
The resentment festered in his mind.
他心中的愤恨有增无减。 |
The reserve of officers, according to the needs of administration in peacetime and mobilization in wartime, comprises two classes: Class One consists of reserve officers who hold posts in reserve components or are prelisted as officers for active componen
军官预备役按照平时管理和战时动员的需要,分为两类:在预备役部队任职的和预编到现役部队的预备役军官为第一类军官预备役;其他预备役军官为第二类军官预备役。 |