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Membership grew 23%, Rotaract and Interact clubs saw significant growth.

Membership benefits: appropriate membership card, a panda button, semiannual Panda Club Magazine, a yearly Panda Club gift, free admission to the Wolong Panda Garden for you. 成为俱乐部会员,本人将获赠会员卡、俱乐部徽章、期刊、纪念品以及在会员期内到卧龙大熊猫苑参观,与大熊猫合影并参加俱乐部举行的各种活动。
Membership card is non-transferable. In order to ensure having member's privileges, please present your card when purchasing, and customer may be asked to present identification. 会员卡不得转让。惠顾时请出示会员卡,以确保享有特别优惠;而本书楼有权要求持卡人证明身分。
Membership card is not transferable. 家族证不可转让。
Membership development and extension are the lifeblood of Rotary. 社员发展及扩展是扶轮维系生命的鲜血。
Membership fee per year: CDN$500 for company member &CDN$50 for individual member. 会员年费:公司会员200加元,个人会员50加元。
Membership grew 23%, Rotaract and Interact clubs saw significant growth. 社员成长了23%,扶轮青年服务团和扶轮少年服务团有明显的成长。
Membership in Rotary clubs is only by invitation. 扶轮社又只能靠邀请加入。
Membership in the organization is based on outstanding achievement in the liberal arts and sciences and typically limited to students in the upper tenth of their graduating class. 要成为该组织的成员资格,是由申请者在文科与科学方面的优异表现而定,通常申请者的成绩是在该年级的前百分之十以上。
Membership in this club is restricted to man under 30. 俱乐部的成员限定在三十岁以下。
Membership includes Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Brunei Daru alam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Phili ines and Singapore. 成员国包括泰国、柬埔寨、老挝、越南、文莱、印尼、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾和新加坡。
Membership includes Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Singapore. 成员国包括泰国、柬埔寨、老挝、越南、文莱、印尼、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾和新加坡。

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