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In tank seismic design considered the liquid sloshing, hydrodynamic pressure of tank shell, uplifting condition of unanchored tank and effective bottom plate width.

In table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction, and pass this information on to the brain. 打乒乓时,眼睛看到球打过来,要不断它的速度和方向,再把这个信息传到大脑。
In table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction, and pass this information on to the brain. 打乒乓球时,眼睛看到球打过来,判断其速度和方向,马上将这个信息传给大脑。
In tackling this issue, both governments must deal with national pride and jingoistic media. 要解决这种事端,两国政府在事端的处理中必须要维护国家荣誉,并采取强硬外交手腕。
In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. 参加户外运动,我们能更接近大自然并能吸收新鲜空气。
In talking about imagination we invariably talk of the poet. 谈到想像时我们一定就会谈及诗人的。
In tank seismic design considered the liquid sloshing, hydrodynamic pressure of tank shell, uplifting condition of unanchored tank and effective bottom plate width. 而未锚定储槽的槽壁上举状态分析,应将有效上举部分的底板列入设计考量,这些都是储槽耐震分析的重点。
In task one, task fulfillment is important. 在任务一中,完成任务是很重要的。
In tax rules, miscellaneous may be always the largest category. 在税务规章中,杂项可能总是最大的一项。
In teaching grammar, Professor Wang can be a notch above all the other professors. 论教语法,王教授要比学院其他任何人都略胜一筹。
In teaching practice, teachers are expected to broaden english learning chanels as to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning by offering them more chances.We shall take textbooks as models, take the life as a big background for books and creat a lang 在教学实际中,教师应拓宽英语学习渠道,激励学生好学的积极性,提供学习的机会,我们应该以教材为语言典范,以生活为“大教材”,为学生创设语言环境.
In teaching research projects focus on hydrology, water resources management and water infrastructure and so on. 在教学研究方面重点在工程水文、水资源管理和水基础设施建设等方面。

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