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I am certain that the colors of women's dresses moving in a throng must be a gorgeous spectacle of which I should never tire.

I am certain of his success. 我肯定他能成功。
I am certain of his success. 我对他的成功确信无疑。
I am certain that he saw me. 我确信他看见了我。
I am certain that priceless wealth is in thee, and that thou art my best friend, but I have not the heart to sweep away the tinsel that fills my room. 我确信你拥有无价之宝,你也是我最好的朋友,但我却无心将满屋的俗物一扫而空。
I am certain that the Foundation leaders involved in RRFC training are acutely aware of this. 我相信参与地域扶轮基金协调人训练的基金会领导人都很清楚地知道这一点。
I am certain that the colors of women's dresses moving in a throng must be a gorgeous spectacle of which I should never tire. 我相信那成群女人们的服装颜色一定是一种华丽的奇观,我会百看不厌的。
I am certain that this holds true with Erik and Ling. 我坚信,艾瑞克和凌凌就是如此。
I am certain to be chided for my tardiness. 我看我肯定会被骂的。”
I am cheesed off with his joke. 他的笑话我都听腻了。
I am clean and without transgression; I am pure, and there is no iniquity in me. 9我是清洁无过的;我是纯洁的,在我里面也没有罪孽。
I am clever at covering up my ignorance. 我很聪明地掩盖着我的无知。

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