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Public trust grows from trust nurtured within a company.

Public transport is a lifeline for many rural communities. 公共交通对许多农村居民来说是不可或缺的.
Public transport is overcrowded and often unreliable. 公共交通系统拥堵且不准时。
Public transportation helps to cut down on pollution and traffic. 公共交通系统可以减少污染和缓解交通负担。
Public transportation is a worldwide priority and therefore the need for fast moving, trams, underground and hig speed trains is more than ever put in evidence. 公共交通在全世界范围内都是优先发展的重点,因此对快速交通车辆、有轨电车车辆、地铁车辆以及高速车辆的需求的明显程度都是前所未有的。
Public transportation played a subsidiary role. 公共交通起辅助的作用。
Public trust grows from trust nurtured within a company. 公众信任来源于公司内部的信任。
Public utilities are carefully regulated here. 公用事业在这里受到仔细的管理。
Public utilities' abusive behavior is the main problem in regulation reform and antimonopoly law in China. 摘要公用企业滥用垄断地位行为是管制改革和中国反垄断法中的核心问题。
Public utility units or urban construction units, when building road and cutting off power, water supply and communication lines that may affect fire brigade in fire fighting and rescue work, must inform local public security fire control institutions in 公用和城建等单位在修建道路以及停电、停水、截断通信线路时有可能影响消防队灭火救援的,必须事先通知当地公安消防机构。
Public-Key Cryptography is used for strong authentication, but X.509 is not dependent on the use of a particular cryptographic Algorithm, though two users wishing to authenticate must support the same Algorithm. 强认证使用公钥加密方式,但是X.509并不依赖于使用特殊加密算法,尽管两个用户希望认证必须支持同一算法。
Public-private sector partnership: the key to tourism development and promotion. 1998年:政府与企业的伙伴关系——旅游的开发和促销的关键。

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