A doctor answers his phone and hears the familiar voice of a colleague on the other end of the line.
医生拿起电话,听见电话中传来一个非常熟悉的声音,是他的一个同事。 |
A doctor in Chicago, Illinois, remembers that before his internship, he wanted to work in crisis medicine. But he lost that interest after he interned in a hospital emergency room.
Illinois一个芝加哥的医生,回忆在他的实习期前,他想在有风险的医疗工作。但是当他进入急症病房时,他失去了那个兴趣。 |
A doctor might administer charcoal to absorb the toxin or pump your stomach, and might also administer drugs to bring your heart rate back to normal.
医生对此会用洗胃等方法促进排毒,并通过服用药物稳定心脏。 |
A doctor takes X-rays to see the break and sets a broken bone to make sure it is in the correct position.
医生通过X射线检查骨头的损伤情况,并且确定骨伤的正确位置。 |
A doctor there told me that I had diabetes.
那里一个医生告诉我,我患了糖尿病。 |
A doctor visits his patients.
医生探视病人。 |
A doctor weighed in the wrestler.
医生给摔跤手称体重。 |
A doctor who gives away confidential information about patients is not behaving professionally.
医生把病人的私人资料透露出来是违反职业道德的. |
A doctor who refused to give treatment is on trial for medical malpractice.
一位曾拒绝医疗的医师因有渎医职而在接受审判。 |
A doctor with a foreign name will use plants like the 'Forget-Me-Not' to make cures for many diseases.
一位外国名字的医生会使用一种像“勿忘草”的植物去制造医治很多病人的药方。 |
A doctor with a slew of world fishing records added another one to his collection when he caught a 385-pound lemon shark on fly tackle, the International Game Fish Association said Tuesday.
国际钓鱼协会5月16日表示,世界多项钓鱼纪录的保持者、美国人马丁·阿罗斯特吉不久前又有了最新收获,他钓上了一只385磅重的大柠檬鲨。 |