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It consumes one-twelfth as much per capita as the United States.

It consists of the girders ,trolley and electric equipment etc .The bridge is welded structure of box -type girder ,individual drives are adopted for traveling mechanism on each end of the crane .all movements of the crane are controlled from the cabin . 本起重机由桥架、小车、电气设备等到部分组成,桥架采用箱型双梁焊接结构,大车运行机构采用分别驱动,全部机构均在操场室内操纵。
It consists principally of XYLEM and PHLOEM (water and food-conducting tissues respectively), and also contains strengthening tissue (SCLERENCHYMA) and packing tissue (PARENCHYMA). 它主要包括木质部和韧皮部(分别运输水分和养料),还含有机械组织(厚壁组织)和填充组织(薄壁组织)。
It consoles me and makes me more resilient in dealing with life's inevitable ups and downs. 这在处理生活中不可避免的起起落落方面,安慰了我而且使我变得更愉快。
It constitutes a common problem that urban tunneling exerts negative influences on nearby existing structures. 摘要地铁施工对邻近既有构筑物的影响是城市轨道交通建设中的常见问题。
It constructs the monitoring center of the power station with the data of each control station, realizing the tele-monitoring for production process and facility function of the power station. 该平台通过自主开发的基于现场总线的数据采集盒,将数据传送到各个控制站,并综合各个控制站的数据构建成电站企业级的监测中心,实现对电站生产过程和设备运行的远程监测。
It consumes one-twelfth as much per capita as the United States. 日本止痛药人均消耗量只有美国的十二分之一。
It contain basically all we have agree upon during our negotiation. 基本上把我们谈判中达成一致的内容都写进去了。
It contained a month's supply of dry milk for his two young children, and a potential lifesaving medicine to help cure them from Chikungunya fever, a disease that causes very high fevers and is especially dangerous for the young. 该包裹装了他两位小孩一整月的奶粉的用量,并且包括有救命药品以帮助他们免受曲弓热的感染,该曲弓热对年青人会导致发高烧并且有生命危险。
It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air. 12里面有地上各样四足的走兽,和昆虫,并天上的飞鸟。
It contained classic ballet sections in different periods from both China and foreign countries, including the second scene of Chinese Ballet Prayer,the second scene of classic balletGiseleand the third scene of Don Quixote,all of which are the classic ve 晚会涵盖中外不同时期经典芭蕾舞剧精彩片断组成,包括中国芭蕾舞剧《祝福》第二幕、古典芭蕾《吉赛尔》第二幕和《堂·吉诃德》第三幕,都是上个世纪八十年代初期,由中芭排练首演的经典版本。
It contains 33 chapters, divided into three parts: the Inner Part, the Outer Partand the Miscellaneous Part. 全书现存三十三篇,分“内篇”,“外篇”和“杂篇”三部分。

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