Nell did not full for John's story about being a jet pilot.
内尔不相信约翰讲的自称是喷气机飞行员的事。 |
Nellie Connally, 40 years after shots in Dallas, recalling the day President Kennedy and her husband, John, were shot.
在美国肯尼迪总统于达拉斯遇刺四十年后,幸存者奈丽·康娜利回忆肯尼迪和她丈夫遇刺当天的情形。 |
Nellie started Devin Harris in front of him.
尼尔森更喜欢让德文哈里斯打首发,特里其次。 |
Nellie thinks the world of her husband and would do anything to please him.
内莉很崇拜她的丈夫,因而尽力去取悦于他。 |
Nello was drawing on a clean smooth board of pine wood with a piece of charcoal.
尼洛则正用一根炭笔在一块平滑的松木板上作画。 |
Nelson Irrigation Corporation is headquartered in Walla Walla, Washington, USA.
描述:美国耐尔森灌溉公司是美国华盛顿在该领域名列前茅的企业。 |
Nelson Mandela—a freedom fighter and one of the world's most important leaders. After twenty-seven years in prison he became the President of South Africa. This is his life story.
尼尔森.曼德拉是位自由斗士,也是世界上最重要的领袖之ㄧ。在27年的牢狱之灾后,曼德拉当上了南非的总统。本书详细介绍了他的生平故事。 |
Nelson always had baobab leaves for breakfast.
纳尔逊的早餐是猴面包树叶子。 |
Nelson will have been recommending Maggie to play piano for a year when she passes the test.
纳尔逊将要花一年的时间劝告玛姬弹钢琴,一直到她通过考试。 |
Nelson's Column is a famous monument in London.
纳尔逊纪念碑是伦敦著名的纪念碑. |
Nelson's teacher was tired of his juvenile behavior and sent him to the principal for punishment.
纳尔逊的老师受够了他的幼稚动作行为,将他送给校长去处罚。 |