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Students of contemporary distance open education have a series of problems: insufficiency in internal driving force; tactics grasp; study perseverance and service supporting system.

Students of 6.933J / STS.420J research the life cycle of a major engineering project, new technology, or startup company from multiple perspectives: technical, economic, political, and cultural. 修习本课程的学生可以从多个角度研究一个大型工程计画、新科技或是初创公司的生命周期。
Students of Christian Alliance S. Y. Yeh Memorial Primary School used special materials to make the model, including tracing paper, plastic bowl, sticks and ceramic tiles. 宣道会叶绍荫纪念小学的同学以特别的物料制造模型,包括玻璃纸、透明塑胶碗、雪条木棒、竹签和纸皮石等。
Students of Holy Trinity College presented their model and design. 宝血会上智英文书院的同学介绍她们的设计模型。
Students of Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tuen Mun Primary School swang their hands like the windmills in the Che Kung Miu. 香港红卍字会屯门卍慈小学同学扮演车公庙,学生的手左右挥舞,就像庙内的风车。
Students of Oxbridge College with ardor and zeal, show their gifts and personalities, take actions to realize their dreams and keep ideal emblazing their whole life. 津桥学子们满载着热情和真诚,张扬着才艺和自我的个性,用行动证实理想,用理想点燃生命。
Students of contemporary distance open education have a series of problems: insufficiency in internal driving force; tactics grasp; study perseverance and service supporting system. 摘要现代远程开放教育学生自主学习存在着内在驱动力不足、策略掌握不足、学习毅力不足、支持服务体系不健全等一系列问题。
Students of normal schools at various levels shall enjoy professional scholarships. 各级师范学校学生享受专业奖学金。
Students of the Medical College are observing an operation now. 医学院的学生现在正在观察一项手术.
Students of this program are expected to gain knowledge of advertising; skills in planning, creating, making and issuing of advertising; skills in marketing and skills in information analysis and processing; understanding the law and regulations of China 本专业学生主要学习马克思主义基本原理、广告学的基本理论与基本知识,接受广告策划、市场营销策划和操作实施等基本能力训练,掌握广告实施与经营管理的基本知识与技能。
Students parking in this area are liable to disciplinary action. 学生在此处停车将会受到处罚。
Students poured out of classrooms after the bell rang. 【钟响后,学生们从教室涌出。】

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