Many claim that the world's highly developed countries bear sole responsibility for the plight of less-developed nations . I seriously doubt their contentions will bear the brunt of close scrutiny .
许多人声称世界上最发达的国家应该对欠发达国家的困境承担全权责任。我非常怀疑他们的观点能经受住仔细审查的冲击。 |
Many claim the global trash trade exposes the west‘s hypocrisy. But are countries to blame - or companies?
很多人称全球垃圾贸易显示出了西方国家伪善的环保做法。是国家还是企业应为垃圾的跨国流动负责任? |
Many clarinetists just don't know what to practice and end up as you have done, doing nothing.
很多单簧管学生都是不知道该去练习什么,或者怎样练习,结果就和你的情况一样——收获有限。 |
Many class specific spell books that previously dropped are now trainable at level 60.
许多原来需要技能书学的技能你现在可以在训练师里学到。 |
Many classes of drugs are used to treat hypertension, with varying side effects.
用来治疗高血压的药物种类很多,副作用也不尽相同。 |
Many climatologists and green groups fear they will come true unless there is a concerted global effort to rein in greenhouse gas emissions.
很多气候学家和绿色组织担心这一切会变成现实,除非全球一致努力控制温室气体的排放。 |
Many climbing ferns have long creeping rhizomes.
许多攀援蕨类具有较长的蔓延根状茎。 |
Many clinical experiments show that this robot is reliable and easy to use, and can overcome some problems of surgical robot systems, such as low security, low efficiency, hard maintenance and high cost.
经过多例临床实验,验证该机器人操作方便、性能稳定,可以弥补医疗机器人系统安全性不高、手术效率低、维护难度大、成本高等缺陷。 |
Many clinicians say this method may be the reason why some embryo transfers fail.
许多凌晨医生说这个方法可能就是胚胎植入失败的原因。 |
Many clocks are worked by weights.
很多钟是靠钟锤而产生作用的。 |
Many clothes are on sale recently.
(最近许多时装都在大降价。) |