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[Result] the hospital healthy assistant age structure is big the department which, the school record level somewhat low, the job seniority somewhat low, the operating region not clear, has jurisdiction not to be unified.

[Q] What does the man suggest? 问:男人如何建议?
[R: Tsukasa Hojo] Ca will depend on its popularity. 这大概要取决于作品受欢迎的程度了。
[R] Tribute Gambling - Spend one tribute to roll the dice and test your luck. 祭品赌注-消耗一个祭品点为代价掷骰并依照点数产生不同效果。
[Recently renamed subclassto derived class(on 7/00). Click here to go to the next FAQ in the chainof recent changes. 如何才能在改变类的内在部分时,保护其派生类不被破坏?
[Remote message: Welcome to use Quidway ROUTER, Huawei Tech. 从上面这个消息可以看出接入路由器是华为的设备。
[Result] the hospital healthy assistant age structure is big the department which, the school record level somewhat low, the job seniority somewhat low, the operating region not clear, has jurisdiction not to be unified. 医院的健康助理员年龄结构偏大、学历层次偏低、工龄偏低、工作范围不清楚、所管辖的部门不统一。
[Right: Male (Mars? Bow and arrow? Penis and testicles? 右:男性(战神?弓箭?阴茎和睾丸?)
[SHANGHAI] It began with an impassioned, 5,000-word letter on one of China's most popular Internet bulletin boards, from a husband denouncing a student he suspected of carrying on an affair with his wife. 这开始于在中国最流行的一个互联网论坛上,一位丈夫谴责一个学生涉嫌与他妻子持续发生风流事件,措辞激烈的,5000字的帖子.
[SIZE=3][B]What moment stands out most, that you will never forget, that involved stuttering? 最让你刻骨铭心,最让你永远无法忘怀的口吃经历是什么呢?
[SIZE=3]One girl went to the preacher and confessed her sin. 有个女孩向神父告解她的罪过!
[Said , Edward. Orientalism. Beijing: The Joint Publishing Company Ltd. , 1999. 萨义德:《东方学》.北京:三联书店,1999年.

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