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The castrated models that received the placebo showed poor working memory and high brain levels of Aa.

The castle was hidden behind a curtain of smoke. 城堡被一层烟雾遮掩着。
The castle was transformed into a marvelous museum. 那座城堡被改成为一间很棒的博物馆。
The castle will undergo extensive and costly renovations. 那城堡要用钜资进行全面整修.
The castle, its furnishings, the artworks in the gallery, and 127 acres of land were given to the state of California in 1957. 这座城堡,连同里面的家具设施,走廊里的艺术品,以及127英亩的土地在1957年给了加利福尼亚政府。
The castles of the Rhine Valley. 莱茵河流域的古堡.
The castrated models that received the placebo showed poor working memory and high brain levels of Aa. 接受安慰剂的去雄小鼠表现出记忆力下降和大脑高水平的Aa。
The casual discovery of the fingerprint helped to find out the murder he had been sent to look into . 对指纹的偶然发现有助于弄清他被派来调查的凶杀案.
The casual shopper stocking up at the local Sav-Mart may not pay much attention to the man at the photo counter. 超市相片冲晒店店员薜柏多年来尽忠职守为客人服务,然而顾客从来没有为他的热诚停留片刻,除了约基太太丽娜每次均报以感谢的微笑。
The casual way of pronouncing which followed caste and custom and not the spelling-book had long prevailed in the English of England. 按照习俗而不是按照拼写课本发音的习惯,在英国英语中早就盛行了。
The casualty of the Iraqi troops was more than 85,000. 伊军的伤亡人数达8.5万之多。
The casualty should not be moved until help arrives. 救援到达之前,不应该移动伤患。

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