Your self-discipline will not only contorl your emotions and balance your reason,but also be incredibly useful in four highly important areas.
自律不仅能控制情绪、平衡理智,而且还在四个方面起着非常重要的作用。 |
Your self-winding watch isn't as accurate as your quartz. However it can be 99% accurate. Off by just a few seconds out of over 80,000 each day is pretty amazing.
你的自动表不会象你的石英表一样精确。但他可以精确到99%,在一天80000秒中仅差几秒已经是很奇妙的了。 |
Your selfishness has earned you this fate.
你的自私给了你这个命运。 |
Your sense of direction is unbelievable!
你的方向感真是难以置信! |
Your sensual body language will be all it takes to stir up the imagination in someone who has been eyeing you.
富于艺术气息的身体语言魅力四射,让一直关注你的人更富想像力。 |
Your servant believes that...
微臣… |
Your server must have a valid host name!
这是他们的要求,大概你的邮件服务器不符合这些。 |
Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.
又有精美的鼓笛在你那里,都是在你受造之日预备齐全的。 |
Your sex drive is expanded by this aspect, but it's necessary to restrict partners to those with whom you have intellectual rapport.
你的性欲因为这相位而增强,但是有必要约束那些跟你有智力交流的伙伴。 |
Your shadow is simply a by-product.
你的影子不过是副产品。 |
Your shepherds are sleeping, O king of Assyria; Your nobles are lying down. Your people are scattered on the mountains And there is no one to regather them.
鸿3:18亚述王阿、你的牧人睡觉、你的贵胄安歇.你的人民散在山间、无人招聚。 |