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Don't apologize. I am in no way offended.

Don't always rake up the old stories. 别总是旧事重提了。
Don't always speak honeyed words. 别总是甜言蜜语的。
Don't annoy your neighbours by singing loudly at night. 夜晚不要大声唱歌,以免打扰邻居。
Don't answer back to the elders; it's not polite. 不要和长辈顶嘴,这是不礼貌的。
Don't apologize, It was my fault. 别道歉,这是我的错.
Don't apologize. I am in no way offended. 不用抱歉,我一点都不觉得你冒犯了我。
Don't appear to be in an inferior to him, or he'll walk over you. 不要显得低于他,否则他会骑到你脖子上的。
Don't append on the desk for it will break down. 别倚桌子,不然它就倒了。
Don't apply direct heat. Don't use hot water, a heating pad or a heating lamp to warm the victim. Instead, apply warm compresses to the neck, chest wall and groin. 不要直接加热。不要给患者使用热水、电热褥或加热灯等设备。应该使用热的敷布敷在患者的胸部与腹股沟部。
Don't apply for that job: you're in danger of overreaching yourself. 不要申请那份工作, 以免有不自量力之嫌.
Don't argue with Joe, he has a short fuse and might start fighting. 不要跟周争论,他脾气暴躁,可能会动粗。

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