Q:What kind of opportunities are you looking for?
问:你所寻找的是什么样的机会? |
Q:What kinds of leisure activities help you perform your work better?
178问:什么业余活动有助于你将工作做得更好? |
Q:What motivates you to do this kind of work?
问:是什么促使你想从事这类工作? |
Q:What new resolutions should I test my applications with?
我的程序需要测试哪些新分辨率? |
Q:What outside activities complement your workinterests?
175问:什么业余活动能增进你的工作兴趣? |
Q:What place do you give to cinema among other arts?
问:和其他艺术形式相比,你把电影放在什么位置? |
Q:What situations excite and motivate you?
89问:什么样的环境能激励你? |
Q:What things impress you in colleagues?
106问:同事给你印象最深的是什么? |
Q:What was your greatest problem in your last job?
129问:在你上一份工作中最大的困难是什么? |
Q:What were the most rewarding aspects of your most recent job?
69问:在你最近的一份工作里,最值得夸赞的是哪方面? |
Q:What were the most rewarding aspects of your mostrecent job?
问:你现在从事的这份工作有什么局限性? |