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Pilot tests were made on the improvement of source water quality in Taihu Lake through the construction of an aquatic and artificial media ecological system.

Through investigation for immune precedure of rabbit within province,the result shows:many places only use rabbit plague-pasteurellosis bacterin or rabbit plague-pasteurellosis-weismannism bacterin to immunity,the immune precedure is not reasonable. 通过对目前省内家兔免疫程序的调查,结果表明:大多数地区只用了兔瘟巴魏三联苗或兔瘟-巴氏杆菌病二联疫苗免疫,免疫程序不够合理。
Through investigation on present condition and psychological factors of female students participating in physical class during menses,the author finds out behavior of female students in physical class. 通过对女中学生月经期参加体育课状况及心理影响因素的调查,了解女中学生月经期在体育课上的表现。
Through the study of concentration of heavy metal in farmland from the city epigenetic irrigated area, the difference of their ability of beneficiation and health risks were analyzed and compared. 通过对试验区内玉米、小麦和土壤中重金属含量的研究,分析比较了作物对重金属的富集能力和健康风险。
The article analyzes the affecting factors of nature moisture content by taking project as an example. 通过工程实例的体会,对天然含水量指标的影响因素进行了理论分析。
This article narrated geosynthetic material on its essential capability,functionality and superiority of after-use through examples of geosynthetic material used in road constructions. 通过公路建设中应用土工合成材料的多项实例叙述土工合成材料的基本性能、功能及使用优越性。
Pilot tests were made on the improvement of source water quality in Taihu Lake through the construction of an aquatic and artificial media ecological system. 通过构建水生动物-人工介质新型生态系统来研究太湖水源地水质改善效果。
By constructinga new mathematic model, the protein folding problem of three-dimensional AB model is converted from a nonlinear constraint-satisfied problem to an unconstrained optimization problem. 通过构造新的数学模型,把三维AB模型的蛋白质折叠问题由一个带约束的优化问题转化为无约束优化问题,然后提出一个模拟退火算法。
The effects of Fe3+,Cu2+ and Zn2+ on the two-phase anaerobic digestion of kitchen wastes at different pH values were studied by intermittent experiments. 通过间歇实验研究了在pH=7和不调节pH两种情况下添加不同浓度的Fe3+、Cu2+和Zn2+对厌氧消化水解酸化阶段有机酸组分和含量的影响。
The optimal conditions of extraction of syringin by ultra sonic wave from Acanthopanax sen-ticosus using experimental design were studied . 通过均匀设计的试验方法,探讨了用超声波法提取刺五加根茎中丁香甙的工艺条件,确定的最佳工艺条件为:水为溶剂,溶剂用量8ml/g,超声提取200min,提取温度为室温。
Highly active Fe/Mo/MgO catalyst was prepared by freeze drying method. 通过冷冻干燥法制备了高活性的Fe/Mo/MgO冻凝胶催化剂。
The enzymic modification of lipids is a method of improving the nutritional value of lipids,which is more excellent than chemical means. 通过酶促反应来改变天然脂肪的结构和组成,是较化学法更有利的提高脂肪营养价值的手段。

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