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Maintain normal cerebral perfusion pressure by aoiding hypotension and cerebral retraction.

Maintain enough spare parts of the equipments. 保障充足的生产线设备备件供应。
Maintain foreign currency exchange rate on quarterly basis in QAD. 每个季度在QAD中维护外汇兑换比率。
Maintain good relationship with customers and ensure quality of service while assure profits of the company. 维护与客户良好的合作关系,确保服务质量.同时保证公司的利益.
Maintain good relationship with local tax bureau. 与当地税务局保持良好的关系.
Maintain liaison with assigned customer technical and commercial personnel. 与指定客户的技术和业务人员保持联系。
Maintain normal cerebral perfusion pressure by aoiding hypotension and cerebral retraction. 维持正常脑灌注压。
Maintain normal cerebral perfusion pressure by avoiding hypotension and cerebral retraction. 维持正常脑灌注压。
Maintain permanent fleet cryptologic and carry-on direct support systems required in special land, sea surface and subsurface operations. 维持特殊的陆地、海面和水下作业所需要的常设舰队密码逻辑与舰载直接支援系统。
Maintain positive guest relations at all times. 在任何时间都保持和客人的良好关系。
Maintain present heading for a while. 保持一会儿现在航向。
Maintain professional appearance, attitude, and behavior at all times. 始终保持专业的形象、态度和行为。

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