Do you believe the fortune-teller's words that our relationship is predetermined?
你相信那位算命师说的话吗?我们的感情是注定的。 |
Do you believe the news stories?
你相信这个新闻故事吗? |
Do you believe the university authorities have the right to fire substantiated teachers for no reason other than that they did not consent to the NPRS?
就同事只是不愿转制,你认为校方可用这个理由去终止他们的实任合约吗? |
Do you believe there are many lone wolves in this country?
你相信这个国家有许多孤孤单单的人吗? |
Do you believe there is any difference between the job security provided by a “substantiated” contract before and after the NPRS?
你认为「新制」的「实任制」所提供的工作保障与「旧制」是否不同? |
Do you believe these two intimate friends used to be mutual sworn enemies?
这两位亲密朋友彼此间过去曾经是不共戴天的死敌,你相信吗? |
Do you believe these two intimate friends used to be mutual sworn enemies?
"这两位亲密朋友彼此间过去曾经是不共戴天的死敌,你相信吗?" |
Do you believe violence is an appropriate way to gain power?
你是否相信武力是一种适当的手段取得权力? |
Do you believe you have special extrasensory abilities (ability to sensea person's presence, for example)?
你相信自己有超感官的能力(例如感觉他人的存在)? |
Do you believe, in the world there do be existing such kind of magic, on the shoulders,which has been gradually becoming thinner, of a ignored girl by you, engrave your body-flavour firmly in her mind.
相信吗,真的有这样的一种魔力,在已经被你忽略了的女孩日渐瘦削的肩头,铭记着你的味道。 |
Do you belive in this stuff?
你相信这些吗? |