Consideration for others is the basis of all courtesy.
体谅他人是一切礼貌的基础。 |
Consideration of others enlarges your world. Detachment from desires enhances your spirit.
把身心安住在体谅上,世界会更宽广;把身心安住在淡泊中,精神会更升华。 |
Consideration shall also be given to ensuring a reasonable distribution of licences to new importers, taking into account the desirability of issuing licences for products in economic quantities.
还应考虑保证许可证合理地分配给新的进口商,同时考虑宜对达到经济数量的产品发放许可证。 |
Consideration should be given to the possibility of allowing seafarers to be accompanied by their partners on occasional voyages where this is practicable and reasonable.
应考虑有无可能在合理及可行的情况下允许海员的,伴侣偶而陪伴其航海。 |
Considerations include mechanical loading, brittle fracture, in-elastic behavior, elevated temperatures, neutron irradiation, and seismic effects.
其中考虑到机械负载、脆性断裂、弹性行为、上升的温度、中子照射及地震效应。 |
Considerations of safety override all other concerns.
对安全的考虑压倒一切. |
Considerations should be taken from the viewpoint of prospecting, design, construction and operation to prevent the slope from deformation and sliding when piled wharfs are built in weak soils.
在软弱地基上建造高桩码头,应从勘察、设计、施工和使用等方面避免岸坡变形及滑坡事故。 |
Considered a gross error, usually transient, occurring in the reading of digits or numbers and imprecise synchronism which causes changes in different digit positions, such as in analog-to-digital conversion.
一种严重误差,一般瞬时出现在读数过程中和由于不完全同步引起不同数字位置的变化之际,如在模数转换过程中。 |
Considered by Benjamin Franklin to be a bird of courage and respect, the turkey was once in the running to become the national bird of the United States of America.
由于本杰明·富兰克林将其形当作勇气与敬意的象征,火鸡曾经一度被考虑当作美国的国鸟。 |
Considered contrary to the institutions or principles of the United States.
非美国的被认为与美国的制度或原则相违背的 |
Considered in the perspective of post-colonialism, domestication and foreignization reflect that two cultures are both struggling for their respective right despite the great difference in translated version produced by the two translation strategies, i.e
摘要后殖民主义理论视角的关照下,归化翻译和异化翻译均反映了隐藏在译文背后的两种文化之间的权力争斗,即弱势的被殖民文化在面对处于中心地位的西方文化时,由于相对权力地位的落差而寻求恢复自我的话语权,并通过权力运作策略向中心趋近。 |