One false step brings ever-lasting grief.
一失足成千古恨。 |
One false step will make a great difference.
失之毫厘,谬以千里。 |
One farm owner in Pennsylvania recently (and so far unsuccessfully) opposed a tower because he feared it might affect his horse-breeding operations.
最近,一宾夕法尼亚农场主因担心塔会影响马场配种而反对建塔(到目前为止尚未成功)。 |
One farmer says to me, You cannot live on vegetable food solely, for it furnishes nothing to make bones with; and so he religiously devotes a part of his day to supplying his system with the raw material of bones; walking all the while he talks behind his
有一个农夫对我说:光吃蔬菜是活不了的,蔬菜不能供给你骨骼所需要的养料;这样他每天虔诚地分出了他的一部分时间,来获得那种可以供给他骨骼所需的养料;他一边说话,一边跟在耕牛后面走,让这条正是用蔬菜供养了它的骨骼的耕牛拖动着他和他的木犁不顾一切障碍地前进。 |
One fat woman of them see a black skirt with white dot.
她们中一个较胖的妇女看见一条黑底带白点裙子。 |
One fault may lose everything, sometimes you can not prevent the misfortunes yourself. Feng falls into great blue now and feels everything has gone with the wind.
(失之毫厘谬以千里,很多时候你根本无法预防不幸的发生。风现在就陷入了这样的深深的不幸之中,一切都像幻影一样随风而逝。) |
One fear is that the local resentments such treatment provokes could eventually join up into a pan-Caucasian insurgency, intensified by the radical Islam that the wars have helped to foster.
一种担忧是,这种处置所引发的当地不满情绪最终可能联合成一种泛高加索叛乱,战争已促成的激进伊斯兰教强化了这一点。 |
One feature of Shaw’s characterization is that he makes the trick of showing up one character vividly at the expense of another.
萧伯纳人物塑造方面的特点是他经常不惜贬低另一些角色来极力生动形象地展示某一个角色。 |
One feature of her writing is vivid.
她写作的一个特点就是生动. |
One feature of multiple sclerosis is that the flare-ups can affect different parts of the nervous system at different times.
多发性硬化症的特征是炎症会不在不同的时间影响不同位置的神经系统。 |
One feels good and one feels bad.
一种让你感觉良好,另一种让你感觉很糟. |