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At week, the immunohistochemical staining with the mAb was restricted to the FAE, FAESC, CME, DREC and the basal layer of the IFSE and TDIA, also Hassall corpuscle of thymus, marrow, spleen and Harderian gland.

At 0℃, pH 8.0, the Michaelis-Mentent equation to the reaction of ACC synthase extracted from etiolated hypocotyls of soybean catalyzing SAM was: y=97.7x+.9×0~. The Michaelis constant Km was . μmol·L~(-). 在反应温度为 0℃,pH值为8.0的条件下,伤害处理的大豆黄化幼苗下胚轴部分提取的ACC合酶对底物SAM催化反应的米氏方程为:y=97.7x+.9×0~,米氏常数Km为 . μ mol·L~(-)。
At d, body weight in A, B were higher than C, heart girth in A, B, C was 7. 00, . , .7cm respectively, circunference of canon bone, wither height, body lenth were similar. 到 d,A、B组犊牛的体重均已超过C组,A、B、C三组犊牛的胸围分别为7.00、. 、.7cm,管围、体高、体斜长基本一致。
At ~d, gliosis was present. 天出现胶质细胞增生改变。
At week, the mAb was reactive with the CME, DREC, and the basal layer of the IFSE and TDIA, also with Hassall corpuscle of thymus, tlarderian gland and spleen. 周CME、DREC、IFSE与TDIA的基底膜有阳性细胞。
At h after rotation, the medullo cervical parenchyma was seen to have axonal swelling, and formation of axonal retraction bulbs. 伤后 h,延、颈髓神经轴索肿胀 ,轴缩球形成 ;
At week, the immunohistochemical staining with the mAb was restricted to the FAE, FAESC, CME, DREC and the basal layer of the IFSE and TDIA, also Hassall corpuscle of thymus, marrow, spleen and Harderian gland. 周FAE、FAESC、CME、DREC、IFSE与TDIA的基底膜有阳性细胞。 8周FAE、FAESC、CME、DREC呈阳性。
At 900 ℃,all of CuO diffuseds into the internal layer of CeO_ and formes(CuAl_O_). 900℃焙烧催化剂,所有的Cu物种都以CuAlO形式存在。
At B LYP/- G ,B LYP/- G  , B LYP/- ++G  levels and by GIAO method, NMR spectrum of the titled compound has been studied. 并用GIAO分别在B LYP/ G 、B LYP/ G 和B LYP/ ++G 水平对该化合物的核磁共振谱进行了研究。
At PH .0and with 0.0M potassium dihydrogen phosphate as the base electrolyte, the peak current at+0.00V versus a saturated calomel electrode increases linearly in the concentration range ×0~(-8)-.×0~(-)M in simple aqueous solutions. 在PH.0时,用0.0M磷酸二氢钾作基底电解质,在简单水溶液中,浓度范围为×0~(-?) —.×0~(-)M,在+0.00V(相对于饱和甘汞电极)时,峰电流线性升高.
At Section S0,the Kuroshio water and the South China Sea water intrude alternately, resulting in a complicated distribution of the water masses there. 在S0断面上黑潮水与南海水相互交叉入侵,水团分布复杂.
At a molar ratio of DMDAAC to AA and AM ∶., AA to AM ∶ ., concetration of catalyst 0.%,at a molar ratio of oxidize agent to reducing agent ∶0.,reacting at 0℃ for h first, the post polymerization time .h. PDMDAAC/AA/AM的共聚条件为 :DMDAAC∶AA +AM =∶ .(mol) ,AA∶AM =∶ . (mol) ,滴加温度 0℃ ,滴加时间 h ,恒温时间 h。

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