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Over the next ten years, a new generation of telescopes will be launched into space more powerful than any before ,they will peer into the Cygnus constellation.

Over the next four years, it is thought that the number of videos watched over the internet will quadruple, with people moving from short clips to hour-long programmes. 据预测,在未来四年中,互联网上的视频数量将翻两番,人们所能观看的视频也将从现在的短片“升级”为长达一小时的节目。
Over the next seven years, the people of our two capitals will share a unique experience, as host cities of successive Olympic Games. 未来的七年,我们两国各自首都的人民,将共享一种独特的体验,那就是奥林匹克运动会成功主办城市的体验。
Over the next several weeks, the Rockets will expand their campaign beyond the outdoors to include newspaper, television, interactive and direct mail advertising. 接下来几周,火箭将把他们的广告从户外扩展到报纸、电视、参与活动邮件和直接邮件。
Over the next six days, the volunteers reported on any aches, pains, sneezing or congestion they had, while the researchers collected objective data, like daily mucus production. 在接下来的六天里,实验对象要每天报告自己是否出现头痛、打喷嚏或鼻塞等症状,研究人员则收集实验对象的“日鼻涕量”等观察数据。
Over the next sixty years, the company experienced rapid commercial growth with its foray into the wholesale market and its decision to narrow down its range of products. 随后的六十年中,该公司以突袭批发市场决定缩减产品经营范围的办法,取得了商业的迅速发展。
Over the next ten years, a new generation of telescopes will be launched into space more powerful than any before ,they will peer into the Cygnus constellation. 在以后的10年内,将有比以往任何一代望远镜功能更强大的新一代天文望远镜给发射入太空,这些望远镜将深入探测天鹅星座。
Over the next three months, Carlyle will add offices in Beijing, Mumbai and Sydney to those in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore and Tokyo. 未来3个月里,卡莱尔将在上海、香港、汉城、新加坡和东京办事处的基础上,再在北京、孟买和悉尼增设办事处。
Over the next three years, train 15,000 African professionals; send 100 senior agricultural experts to Africa; set up 10 special agricultural technology demonstration centers in Africa; build 30 hospitals in Africa and provide RMB 300 million of grant for (八)今后3年内为非洲培训培养15000名各类人才;向非洲派遣100名高级农业技术专家;在非洲建立10个有特色的农业技术示范中心;为非洲援助30所医院,并提供3亿元人民币无偿援款帮助非洲防治疟疾,用于提供青蒿素药品及设立30个抗疟中心;向非洲派遣300名青年志愿者;为非洲援助100所农村学校;在二00九年之前,向非洲留学生提供中国政府奖学金名额由目前的每年2000人次增加到4000人次。
Over the next three years, train 15,000 African professionals; send 100 senior agricultural experts to Africa; set up 10 special agricultural technology demonstration centres in Africa; build 30 hospitals in Africa and provide RMB 300 million of grant for (八)今后3年内为非洲培训培养15000名各类人才;向非洲派遣100名高级农业技术专家;在非洲建立10个有特色的农业技术示范中心;为非洲援助30所医院,并提供3亿元人民币无偿援款帮助非洲防治疟疾,用于提供青蒿素药品及设立30个抗疟中心;向非洲派遣300名青年志愿者;为非洲援助100所农村学校;在二00九年之前,向非洲留学生提供中国政府奖学金名额由目前的每年2000人次增加到4000人次。
Over the next two decades, India began to construct and operate nuclear reactors, mine uranium, fabricate fuel and extract plutonium. 原能会成立后20年内,印度开始制造核反应器,开采铀矿,制造核能燃料,从核废料中提炼钸。
Over the next week Comet McNaught will begin to fade as it moves south and away from the Sun. 接下来的这一周,麦克诺特彗星将慢慢由南方远离太阳,并开始变暗。

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