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The soldier wielded his sword.

The soldier was good at playing fife. 这名士兵善于吹笛子。
The soldier was ordered to stand guard at the front door. 那士兵被命令去前面站岗。
The soldier was shot (ie executed by shooting) for desertion. 那士兵因开小差儿而被处死.
The soldier was shot for inciting his comrades to rise against their officers. 那士兵因煽动同志反叛其长官而被枪决。
The soldier was very surprised when he heard this and said, My God, I didnt know that I was so far back already! 士兵听了十分惊讶地说:“天哪,真没想到我已经往回跑了这么远!”
The soldier wielded his sword. 战士挥舞着他的剑。
The soldier would sooner die than surrender. 这个战士宁死不降。
The soldier's brave deeds brought him honor and glory. 士兵的勇敢事迹为他带来了荣耀和赞美。
The soldier's duty status remains listed as whereabouts unknown,according to a U.S. military news release Tuesday. 根据美国军方星期二发表的一份新闻公报,这名士兵的现状仍被列入“下落不明”。
The soldier's name was a byword for bravery. 那个战士的名字原是勇敢的代名词。
The soldier, an Indian, was in a UN */ supporting Congolese forces when their camp was attacked by the malitiaman who are from Uganda. 该士兵来自印度,当乌干达的武装分子袭击营地时,他正在一个联合国支持的刚果军营。

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