If marriage is the grave of love,then longing for love is noting but seeking death.
如果婚姻是爱情的坟墓,那么渴望爱情就是不知死活了。 |
If matters are distributed unevenly, some parts will readjust themselves, expanding or shrinking, until balance is achieved.
宇宙平衡同样是“自因、自为、自然、自在”的生命本能。 |
If mechanical power is to be employed to increase the extracted volume of hot spring water, licensees shall apply for permission from the local authority-in-charge.
如需增加温泉出水量而使用机械动力,应向直辖市、县(市)主管机关提出申请。 |
If meet my predestination, I would the elephant cherish my life similar cherish him, regardless his body at HE2 FANG, I will accompany with his faraway places, sharing good times and bad the total troubles with him!
如果遇到我的缘分,我会象珍惜我的生命一样珍惜他,无论他身在何方,我将会伴随他天涯海角,与他同甘苦共患难! |
If men are cattle manure,the ones who haven't experienced any affections specially stink——because they're too fresh!
如果说男人是粪,那么从没谈过恋爱的男人就特别臭——因为太新鲜了! |
If men knew all that women think ,they'd be twenty times more daring.
假使男人全知道女人在想什么,他们的胆子可能就会大上二十倍。 |
If men used as much care in uprooting vices and implanting virtues as they do in discussing problems, there would not be so much evil and scandal in the world, or such laxity in religious organizations.
如果拔除毛病、陪植德行能如讨论问题那样用心,世界就不会有这么多的罪恶和丑闻,教会团体也就不会这般散漫了。 |
If men were all virtuous, I should with great alacrity teach them all to fly.
假如人都是善良的,我一定积极傅授每一个人飞行的方法。 |
If metal shielding exceeds a centimeter, electromagnetic protection declines drastically, he explains, because impacts by energetic particles can cause strong electromagnetic Bremsstrahlung radiation that can result in extensive damage. (Bremsstrahlung is
他进一步解释,金属防护层厚度超过一公分时,电磁防护能力将大幅降低,因为受高能粒子撞击时,会形成强大的制动辐射,造成更大的损害(制动辐射是由于带电粒子碰撞其他物体而突然减速所造成)。 |
If methods are invoked that are overridden in subclasses in the object being initialized, then these overriding methods are used, even before the new object is completely created.
注意并没有产生一个什么父类对象,第二段举了一个列子,如果你用了覆盖,尽管父类的那个方法不再使用,便他依然被产生了。 |
If misery loves company, so do sports fans.
“有人陪伴,痛苦减半”,这句话用在体育迷身上最合适不过了。 |