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Reading, dreaming, and writing verse.

Reading your book helped crystallize my views. 我阅读你的著作有助於澄清我的思想.
Reading your book helped crystallize my views. 我阅读你的著作有助于澄清我的思想.
Reading your emails and cards to wish me a quick recovery means a lot to me. 阅读你们发来祝福我快点痊愈的信件和卡片对我来说意义重大。
Reading's misery was complete when debutant Kalifa Cisse was shown a second yellow card for a high tackle on Chelsea substitute Claudio Pizarro. 雷丁的不幸在新人卡利法.西塞因对切尔西替补出场的克劳迪奥.皮萨罗危险的铲球而被出示第二张黄牌后确定.
Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. 阅读,到了一定年龄,会过多的把思维偏离于他的创造性追求。
Reading, dreaming, and writing verse. 读书,发梦,写诗。
Reading, who held reigning champions Manchester United on Sunday, had appeared on course for a second surprise result thanks to Andre Bikey's opener. 在星期天制服了卫冕冠军曼彻斯特联的雷丁,由于安德列.比基的率先进球而出现了再次创造令人惊讶结果的迹象.
Reading, writing, mathematics, problem solving and interpersonal skills training that enable adults to communicate in English, use math, obtain a high school diploma or GED and become productive, employable citizens. 读、写、数学、解决问题的能力以及人际交往能力的技能培训,使成人可以使用英语沟通、使用数学、取得高中文凭或GED证书,从而成为有用的具备工作能力的公民。
Reading: You should be able to read for relevant details and facts and locate specific information in books and manuals. 读:你应该能够阅读找出相关细节和事实,确定书本和手册中的详细信息。
Reading: do this in parallel with your other exercises. 读:在做其他练习同时做这个练习。
Readings and a sample assignment are designed to ground students in the subject. 相关阅读资料以及作业是针对刚入门的学生所设计。

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