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Dancers spun in a swirl of skirts.

Dancer doggie let go of the kite and down he falls into the pond. Help! Help!cries dancer Doggie, Oh! 丁丁放开风筝的绳子,然后便掉到了水池中。救命,救命!丁丁焦急的大喊。
Dancer wear the tradition Chinese clothing . 4舞蹈者们身穿传统的中国服装。
Dancers begin with a slow swaying and become more animated as the tempo increases, finishing in a rhythmic frenzy. 舞者以缓慢的摇摆来开场,随着节奏的加快而活力愈现,并在狂野的节奏中收场。
Dancers in grass skirts move their hips and hands to Hawaiian music. 舞者穿着草裙伴着夏威夷音乐摇动他们的手和臀。
Dancers rehearse Yu Neng-sheng's new routine When Ballet meets Tchaikovsky,in Taipei yesterday. The performance runs from August 3 to 12 in Taipei, Hsinchu, and Tainan. 台北室内芭蕾八月一日在城市舞台,彩排编舞家余能盛的作品「当芭蕾邂逅柴可夫斯基」。本舞作将于八月三日至十二日于台北,新竹以及台南演出。
Dancers spun in a swirl of skirts. 跳舞的人旋转著,裙子也不停地打转.
Dancers spun in a swirl of skirts. 跳舞的人旋转著, 裙子也不停地打转.
Dances include Lin Wei-Hua’s “Requiem”, Lin Wei-Ling’s “Soul Liberation”, Chen Yi-Min’s “Fetal Soul” and Wei Kuang-Ching’s “Dancing Original Soul”. 舞蹈分别为林惟华的《安魂曲》、林威玲的《灵魂解放》、陈逸民的《致命灵魂》、魏光庆的《舞动的原始灵魂》。
Dancing and singing were among her many accomplishments. 她多才多艺, 能歌善舞.
Dancing has lost all its enchantment for her. 她已完全失去跳舞的乐趣。
Dancing has never appealed to me. 我对跳舞从来就没有兴趣。

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