For pulsed sources of arbitrary wave form, the result of wave propagation is simply given by the convolution of the impulse response on the line and the pulse of the voltage source, or by simply IFFT or IFT of the products of the spectrum of pulse of the |
中文意思: 任意波形脉波电压源在传输线上之响应即可由脉冲响应与脉波电压源波形之迴旋积得之,或由传输线上电压及电流沿线分布之频域相量与脉波电压源之频谱对乘后取逆富氏转换或逆快速富氏转换得之。 |
For promotion of exports, especially to push the sale of our new products and difficult-sell commodities.
为了扩大出口,特别是推销我们的新产品和难销产品。 |
For proof the writer refers to a passage from the book.
为了求证,作者参酌该书的一段话。 |
For protection and decoration of outdoor concrete ground, such as basketball court, tennis court and warehouse floor in mines, factories and schools.
适合涂装工矿、学校各种室外混凝土场地,如篮球、网球场和仓库地坪,对其进行有效保护和装饰。 |
For psychologists have confirmed that nothing attracts a woman more than the scent of competition.
据英国《每日邮报》1月18日报道,心理学家已经证实,能在朋友中炫耀的东西才是最能够吸引女人的东西。 |
For public relation planning to exert its maximum effect, attention should be paid to the pertinence, feasibility, creativity and profitability during planning, so as to further perfect public relation planning and consummate the organization of sports cu
为了使公关策划发挥最大效益,策划过程中必须注意针对性、可行性、创造性及效益性,使公关策划更加完善,使高校体育文化活动组织得更完美。 |
For pulsed sources of arbitrary wave form, the result of wave propagation is simply given by the convolution of the impulse response on the line and the pulse of the voltage source, or by simply IFFT or IFT of the products of the spectrum of pulse of the
任意波形脉波电压源在传输线上之响应即可由脉冲响应与脉波电压源波形之迴旋积得之,或由传输线上电压及电流沿线分布之频域相量与脉波电压源之频谱对乘后取逆富氏转换或逆快速富氏转换得之。 |
For pump with open impeller, the diameter of solid particle in the liquid to be delivered should better not exceed the 30% of the suction diameter of the pump.
采用开式叶轮的泵,被输送液体中含有的固体颗粒直径不超过泵吸入口直径30%为宜。 |
For purchase of HK$2,000 (nett), you are entitled to a one-off delivery service for free (exclusive for Hong Kong Island and Kowloon only).
5凡惠顾满港币2,000(折实价),更可获免费送货服务一次(只限香港及九龙区)。 |
For purposes of administration of quotas, including actions under the Article 6 safeguard, the various Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States of America(HTSUSA)classifications for combed cotton yarn are grouped into textile quota category, specif
为实现配额管理,包括采取第6条项下的安全保证行动,美国各种各样针对梳理棉纱的调和关税日程都被归在纺织品配额项下,特别是301类别项下。 |
For purposes of credit reporting, verification and risk management, we will exchange information about our customers with reputable reference sources and clearinghouse services.
若为信用报告、查证或风险管理之用途,我们会和信誉良好的资讯查询服务中心和票据交换所交换资料。 |
For purposes of this Law, a major city refers to a city where the People's Government of the province or autonomous region is seated, the city where a special economic zone is located, and any other major city approved by the State Council.
本法所称较大的市是指省、自治区的人民政府所在地的市,经济特区所在地的市和经国务院批准的较大的市。 |