Party B/Renter/Tenant is responsible for the management and the charges of cleaning, environment protection, security, fire precaution and the maintenance & servicing of E&M equipments and others building services facilities which belonged to the Party B/
六、乙方应做好租赁房屋的维护保养工作,杜绝放置及使用一切危害楼宇安全的各类危险品,定期对租赁物业进行专项安全检查,同时配合甲方进行相关物业的安全检查,发现问题应立即整改。 |
Party Ethics is value philosophy about the legitimacy and operational standard of political parties.
摘要政党伦理是研究政党正当性及其操作规范和方法论的价值哲学。 |
Party ideologists accused her of deviation.
党内理论家谴责她背离了党的信条. |
Party leaders for groups will have the ability to set the level with two different settings -- normal and hard.
团队领袖可以在普通和困难两种难度间进行选择。 |
Party leaders went around for months making horse trades to get support for their candidate.
政党领袖们数日以来四处奔走,讨价还价,以取得人们对该党候选人的支持。 |
Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, should play an exemplary role in abiding by the Constitution and other laws.
党员和干部特别是领导干部要成为遵守宪法和法律的模范。 |
Party members hold almost all top government, police, and military positions.
共产党员担任政府、警方和军方机构的几乎所有最高职务。 |
Party members must play their vanguard and exemplary role, foster the lofty ideal of communism, fortify their conviction in socialism with Chinese characteristics and work hard to realize the Party's basic program for the current stage.
共产党员必须发挥先锋模范作用,牢固树立共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义坚定信念,脚踏实地地为实现党在现阶段的基本纲领而奋斗。 |
Party of 16 four inside are all to will put forward the harmonious social target of developments socialism with the mission, now mass and basic benefits in large people with common wishes, have the important and realistic meaning with theories meaning.
摘要党的十六届四中全会提出建设社会主义和谐社会的目标和任务,体现了广大人民群众的根本利益和共同愿望,具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。 |
Party of Democratic Action-Montenegro: Slav Muslim Party, affiliated to PDA of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Leader-Harun Hadzic.
黑山民主运动党:斯拉夫穆斯林政党,隶属于波黑民主行动党;领导人-哈龙·哈季奇。 |
Party of Reformists: f.1990 as Alliance of Yugoslav Reform Forces, name changed 1992; Leader-Ante Markovic.
改革者党:1990年成立时称“南斯拉夫改革力量联盟”,1992年改为现称。领导人-安特·马尔科维奇。 |