V:You just gave away potent magical assets for fraction of their value! |
中文意思: 你们只是在放弃这些强有力的魔法资产的部分价值! |
V:There are so many ! There's Ariel, who was hit by a car before she came our way .
有太多了!.,像是爱瑞尔,在来了这里之前被汽车撞到了。 |
V:Truly,he was the best of us.
真的,他是我们之中最强的。 |
V:What John say?Virginia not understand.
弗吉尼亚:约翰逊说什么?弗吉尼亚不懂。 |
V:Yes,I am certain our flesh proved far too springy for their arrows' taste.
是的,我确信我们的肉体对他们的箭矢而言是一种太过有弹性的体验。 |
V:You are, in face, a simpering buffoon without the brain power required to dress yourself,much less manage the lowliest of cantrips.
事实上,是一个连穿着得体的脑力都没有的傻笑小丑,更别提处理最低级的戏法了。 |
V:You just gave away potent magical assets for fraction of their value!
你们只是在放弃这些强有力的魔法资产的部分价值! |
V:[Are those cracks I see in the ceiling?
那些是我在天花板上看到的裂缝吗? |
VACUUBRAND GMBH offers Offers on Diaphragm pumps, rotary vane pumps and Evacuated systems. Additionally also on Vacuum gauges and Vacuum engineering.
VACUUBRAND GMBH是一家高效的工业型企业,企业生产旋转滑阀真空泵,隔膜泵,真空装置、真空系统,真空技术,真空检测仪表、真空计范围内高水平的产品。 |
VAIDYA V G, FRANK J, ALEXANDRA J R. Evaluation of some mathematical models for tumor growth[J]. Int J Bio-Med Comput, 1982(13): 19-35.
阮晓钢,胡日查.模拟脑肿瘤生长动态的细胞自动机研究[J].生物医学工程学报,待发表. |
VANCOUVER Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued a ringing defence of cultural diversity yesterday, rejecting calls for Canada to be less open to immigration as a way of curbing terrorism.
温哥华-总理史蒂芬-哈帕昨天为多元文化进行了强烈辩护,并反对将通过封闭国门作为抑制恐怖主义的一种途径。 |
VANDERLANDE INDUSTRIES GMBH is well-known not only in M?nchengladbach with Roller tracks, Continuous conveyor and Storage systems as well as with Band conveyor, Belt conveyor and conveyance, but also with further offers, like Shelf units, Bulk promoter an
VANDERLANDE INDUSTRIES GMBH是一家制造不同尺寸运输工具,皮带运输机、输送带,带式输送机,仓库体系,台架装置、分度架装置,小轮火车,连续输送机,件货输送机,选分供给装置,装卸设备的企业。 |