How would you use the information presented in the narrative of Noah to defend your theistic views?
你会如何使用在诺亚叙事中呈现出的资料,来辩护你的有神论立场? |
How would you want your steak?
你的牛排怎么做? |
How would you work up (evaluate) his half-brother, PM? And, if he has the same mutation as GM, what would his treatment consist of?
你将如何对他半血缘关系的弟弟PM进行检查(评估)?如何他有和GM一样的突变,他的治疗将都包括哪些方面? |
How would your colleagues evaluate you?
你的同事会如何评价你? |
How would your coworkers describe you?
什么样的工作伙伴最适合您? |
How would your last boss describe you?
这句话的意思是你的上个老板是如何看待你的。 |
How you behave in difficulties shows what you are really like.
主语从句,困难中你的表现会显示你究竟喜欢什么。 |
How you can be you and I can be me inseparably cannot be intellectually comprehended .
你能成为你,我能成为我,而同时两者又是一体不分的,这种状态怎麽是脑子所能理解的。 |
How you care for your Tri-ply copper cookware depends on which look you love.
你如何维护你的三铜器皿就看你对它的喜欢程度。 |
How you encapsulate your data, and how you develop your interfaces, will again depend on your design strategy and personal preference.
封装数据和开发界面的方式仍然取决于您自己的设计策略和个人喜好。 |
How you end up structuring your team and your process will depend largely on the specific circumstances of your organization.
如何安排你的团队结构和开发过程将很大程度上决定于团队所处的环境。 |