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Results of acute toxity test Median fatal dose of undaria pinnitafida dietary fiber was above .×0 mg/kg.

In these cases with BVCP, patients showed the motion of the glottis on sides while patients had the nerve-decompressed on 7 sides, achieving sufficient airway without a tracheotomy. 双侧声带麻痹患者:行神经减压例7侧,有例侧恢复运动,均拔除气管套管;
No significant difference was found in β-AR contents of thalamus, hypothalamus, pons and collum of spinal cord of three groups (P > 0.0). 中枢皮质下结构各脑区β肾上腺素能受体含量:给药周后各组大鼠丘脑、下丘脑、脑桥、脊髓颈段β肾上腺素能受体含量比较,差异不明显(P>0.0)。
Points of stomach, Shenmen, endocrine, lung, Jidian and abdomen in patients of the auricular-point group were pressed with cowherb seeds, one ear was treated each time and two ears alternatively tapped for every days. 耳穴组选取胃、神门、内分泌、肺、饥点,腹穴,王不留行籽贴压,每次贴一只耳,两耳交替,d更换一次。
Ramsay sedation scales; Bromage Motor score; and side effects such as nausea,vomiting,tickle and respiratory depression were also recorded at 0,,,8,0, and 8 hour after operation. 双盲对照观察组病人术毕及术后、、8、0、、8h的VAS评分、镇静评分、运动阻滞评分及不良反应的发生情况。
Research of body mass controlling behavior might be affected by social factor, family environment and eating process. 在体质量控制行为方面的研究开始考虑到父母因素以外的社会因素、家庭环境以及进食过程的具体行为控制过程。
Results of acute toxity test Median fatal dose of undaria pinnitafida dietary fiber was above .×0 mg/kg. 急性毒性试验结果:裙带菜膳食纤维的半数致死量都大于.×0mg/kg。
in lead I,Q inlead III (7/); SⅠQⅢ均具备者占(7/),而SⅠ(/),QⅢ(/),TⅢ(/)分别单独出现,特别是有新出现的改变。
Some diseases of human may be related to mycotoxins,they are hepatic cell cancer,balkan endemic nephropathy,alimentary toxic aleukia,kaschin beck disease,keshan disease and padisease,and others; 文献报告 ,一些疾病可能与真菌毒素有关 ,如肝癌、地方性肾病、食物中毒性白细胞缺乏病 (ATA )、食管癌、克山病、大骨节病、趴病等 ;
The Czapek′s medium is used in fermentation cultured which choose quality rate of glucose and peptone is :, culture temperature is ℃, and pH is .; 用于发酵培养的查氏蛋白胨培养基中选用葡萄糖和蛋白胨的质量比为:,培养温度为℃,pH值为.,符合该菌正常生长的范围;
The VAS score in micronized diosmin treatment group significantly lower at days after treatment than before treatment[(.±.) points vs (.±.) points,t=.,P< 0.0]; 微粒化地奥司明组治疗后d疼痛程度较治疗前明显减轻犤治疗前(.±.)分,治疗后(.±.)分,t=.,P<0.0犦;
The animal model of perforating wound was established by shooting the strong muscle of right thigh with "" type pistol. 麻醉动物后,以“五四”式手枪击兔右股部肌肉丰满处,造成贯通伤模型。

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