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When Francis was acquired by the Rockets in 1999, Rudy Tomjanovich became his seventh head coach in seven seasons and the effects of the peripatetic development were quickly evident.

When First Lady Taft and the Viscountess Chinda planted those cherry trees, they were only a small part of a gift of 3,020 trees given to the U.S. by the Japanese government. 第一夫人塔夫特与次恩塔夫人种植的这些樱桃树,只是日本政府送给美国3020棵樱桃树的其中一小部分而已。
When FitzGerald's group was uncovering the early-warning sign of dangers to come, Samuelsson's research group was laboring away on putting a new leaf on one of the branches of the prostaglandin tree. 正当费兹杰罗的团队对可能出现的危险提出警告时,山缪森的研究团队则忙着给前列腺素家族的枝干添上一片新叶。
When Ford announced their decision six weeks ago, Vice-President Richard Parry Jones, the man in charge of Jaguar's Formula One operations, said that a number of potential buyers had already expressed an interest. 福特六周前宣布决定以前,捷豹车队负责人之一理查德·帕里·琼斯主席说,已经有公司对收购表示了兴趣和意愿。
When Forrest gets up to talk at the Vietnam rally in Washington, the microphone plug is pulled and you cannot hear him. 当阿甘站在华盛顿反越战上说话时,麦克风插头突然被人拔掉了,所以你没听见他说的话。
When France and Senegal kick off on May 31 in the opening game of the 2002 soccer World Cup Finals, they will be making history. 5月31日当法国和塞内加尔在2002年世界杯足球赛的开幕赛开球时,他们将创造历史。
When Francis was acquired by the Rockets in 1999, Rudy Tomjanovich became his seventh head coach in seven seasons and the effects of the peripatetic development were quickly evident. 1999年,火箭队选中了弗朗西斯,鲁迪.汤姆贾诺维奇成为他的第七任总教练并度过了7个赛季(此处译者存疑,应该是5个赛季,1999-2004),结果,他这种我行我素的发展方式所产生的后果很快就显现出来。
When Frank Lampard's free-kick flew inches wide of Reina's right-hand upright in the 22nd minute, Mourinho could have been forgiven for thinking it was not going to be his side's night. 当第22分钟时兰帕德的任意球擦着球门的右门柱出了底线,穆里尼奥可能开始怀疑这一夜他们是不是不走运了。
When Frankie was discovered inside, the staff rushed to put him outside. 工作人员一发现小鹿,就急忙要把它轰走。
When Frankie's confinement was over, Frankie's friends gathered by the stable Door. 弗兰基幽禁期结束时,它的朋友们聚集在马厩门旁。
When Franklin returned to America, he brought his Freemasonry with him and greatly strengthened the existing Lodges in this country. 当富兰克林回到美国,他把「麦逊共济会」带入美国而且极大地强化了原本就存在这个国家的共济会。
When Frodo falls on the snow and loses the ring, a close-up of the ring with Frodo in the background is shown. 影片中弗罗多在雪地上摔了一跤,而那枚戒指就落在他的面前。

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