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Extensive application in deposit culture medium,serum,medicine as well as microorganism training and environmental testing ect.

Extensions will be granted only for good reasons explained well in advance; computer malfunctions are never an acceptable excuse for a late submission. 除非事先提供了充分的理由,否则不接受延期缴交;计算机故障从来不被认为是可以迟交作业的充分理由。
Extensive acute inflammation may lead to abscess formation, as seen here with rounded abscesses (the purulent material has drained out after sectioning to leave a cavity) in upper lobe and lower lobe. 广泛的急性炎症可导致脓肿形成,如图所示,肺上叶和肺下叶可见圆形脓肿(脓液排出后在切面上显示为空洞)。
Extensive advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article. 大规模的广告能引起对某一物品人为的需求。
Extensive air drying may mean that a specimen is unsatisfactory (if >75% of cells show air drying). 广泛的风干可能意味着此标本不满意(如超过75%的细胞风干)。
Extensive air drying may mean that a specimen is unsatisfactory (if >75% of cells show air drying). If less extensive, air drying may be mentioned as a quality indicator. 简释:广泛的风干可能意味着此标本不满意(如超过75%的细胞风干)。如范围少,风干也应作为制片质量指标之一在报告中给予提示。
Extensive application in deposit culture medium,serum,medicine as well as microorganism training and environmental testing ect. 广泛用于储藏培养基、血清、药品以及微生物培养、环境试验等。
Extensive bellows seal qualification testing has been performed in the research and development department to prove the bellows cycle life. 在研究发展部进行的扩展波纹管密封合格测试证明波纹管的使用寿命。
Extensive experience in project management and forward-looking service concepts complement our portfolio. 交通技术集团丰富的项目管理经验以及具有前瞻性的综合服务理念与其优质产品相得益。
Extensive knowledge of GAAP and tax policies. 有公认会计准则和税收政策知识。
Extensive knowledge of computer systems, operating systems and analysis and reporting environments used in the support of clinical programs and the development of software via structured SDLC. 拥有广泛的电脑系统﹑操作系统和用于支持临床项目的分析报告环境以及通过SDLC进行软件开发等方面的知识。
Extensive listening practice is important. 大量练习听英语很重要。

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