TL: Kobe. He's a little bigger. You know he can rely on elevating at a spot where he wants to shoot. Overall, he's a more consistent outside shooter.
科比,他更强些。你知道他能够在他想投射的任何地方拔起投篮。总体来说,他是一个持续型外围射手。 |
TLC technique can be successfully applied to reflect film cooling effectual area and cooling effect.
利用液晶测温技术可以很好地反映气膜冷却区域及冷却效果等。 |
TLC: Last year I asked you guys to predict what would happen to your characters. Now that you read the fifth book, can you update me?
去年我问你们,你们可以预言关于你们的角色将有什麽发展吗?现在既然你们已经读了第五本书,可以告诉我们最新消息吗? |
TLS (Transport Layer Security) is capable of authenticating both the client and the server and creating a encrypted connection between the two.
TLS协议(传输层安全)能够在客户机与服务器之间认证,建立加密连接. |
TLV EURO ENGINEERING GMBH is well-known not only in Waibstadt with Order, Product and set-up as well as with Computer-controlled, Electronic computers and Armatures, Fittings, but also with further offers, like Measuring instruments, rule and/or probe, Se
不仅在以电杆吊装器、调节阀和磁阀门以及电磁阀、执行元件和动作器、放射体,两极反应物,执行元件领域内著称,而且以其它产品驰名,如调节配件、调节阀和维修机、伺服驱动以及维修单位。 |
TM = Team melee, a game-mode where several players/races share the same base and units.
团队模式,几个玩家一起控制同样的基地和单位. |
TM: I went to the south of France after Hungary for a few days to see some friends as well.
提戈亚-蒙泰罗:匈牙利站后我去了法国南部几天,也看了我的一些朋友。 |
TMA burns spontaneously in the presence of oxygen.
这些云是人为的,是研究地球电离层的科学家门创造的。 |
TMC Jiangmen Magnetics &Machinery Corp. is a professional manufactory of producing precision injection moulding machines, which is invested by the Taiwan TMC Industry CO., LTD. in Jiangmen, Gongdong.
是台湾庆优工业股份有限公司在广东省江门市投资设立的生产精密注射成型机的专业工厂。 |
TMac goes off for 40 or a couple of our role players get hot.
要么麦蒂拿个40分,要么其他球员手热得发烫。 |
TMac is a aging fast and could very well retire soon.
麦迪却老得很快,很可能不久就会退役。 |