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Another step in fine-tuning the component of a mold.

Another source of liquid for our body is by drinking soup. Most Chinese soups are light and easily digestible. In fact, some soups help to reduce fat and prevent diseases. 日常饮用汤水,可提供身体所需水分之外,更加可以增进食欲,调理肠胃,清润滋补。汤也是最易消化的健康饮品,可预防疾病及有减肥的作用。
Another special event will be held near the city of Greenwood, South Dakota. 另外一项特别的活动将在南达科他州的格林伍德市附近举行。
Another spider was waiting for me by the side of the road! 瞧!这位朋友正在路旁跟我打招呼!
Another spokesman said Yamaha, the world's second-biggest motorcycle maker after Honda Motor Co. (7267.T), has exported nine unmanned crop-spraying RMAX L181 helicopters to a Chinese firm called BVE. 不过,雅马哈公司拒绝承认该公司做得不妥,这位发言人说:“在出口这种飞机时,我们履行了正当的程序并没有任何违法之处。”
Another statistic is that he is the most capped outfield player not to have scored a goal for the Three Lions, concentrating instead on his defensive responsibilities. 另一项统计表明,加里是出场次数最多的没进一球的球员,但这是因为他专心于他的防守职责。
Another step in fine-tuning the component of a mold. 另一个步骤是精密的调整模具的结构。
Another storm in Missouri Friday afternoon cooled temperatures that pushed back efforts to restore power in the St. Louis area. Roughly 570,000 customers remain without power, following storms on Wednesday. 星期五下午,密苏里州的另一场风暴降低了当地的温度,从而导致圣路易斯地区恢复供电的工作推迟.大约570,000名(消费者?居民?)在星期三的暴风雨之后仍然无电可用.
Another storm in Missouri Friday afternoon cooled temperatures that pushed back efforts to restore power in the St. Louis area. Roughly 570,000 customers remained without power, following storms on Wednesday. 周五下午密苏里州的另一场暴雨使气温骤降,导致了圣路易斯地区的供电无法正常恢复。自周三的接踵而来的暴雨致使大约570,000用户目前依然没有用电。
Another story is the Pandora was sent in good faith, by Jupiter, to bless man; that she was furnished with a box, containing her marriage blessing. 另一种说法是潘多拉是朱庇特诚心实意地派遣到人间来为人类造福的。她接过了一个盒子,里面装着她的嫁妆。
Another story says Marco Polo took recipes② for fruit ices from China to Europe in the 13th century. 另一个传说是,马可·波罗在13世纪把水果冰的配方从中国带到了欧洲。
Another story tells of the bringing of an evergreen tree inside the home during winter solstice (December 21st) symbolizing the renewal of life in the dead of winter. 另一个故事讲的是,在冬至(12月21日)这一天,把一棵常青树搬回家,象征着在死寂的冬天生命的复苏。

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