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In August 2005, Mr Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli came with Mr Hayao Miyazaki to talk with me and my son (who controls the trust which owns the Earthsea copyrights).

In August 2002, Blogchina, China's first dedicated blogging website, was established. 2002年8月,中国第一个专门的博客门户网站“博客中国”成立。
In August 2002, a group of friends who regularly attended classical music performances together organized a concert of chamber music before they moved on to university, and thence Ensemble ad Infinitum was born. 二零零二年八月,数个经常相约一同欣赏音乐会的朋友,趁高考过后、入大学之前的悠长假期搞了一场室乐音乐会,无限乐团自此组成。
In August 2002, we had the domestically manufactured ARV drug, AZT, produced by Northeast Pharmaceuticals. 2002年8月,国产的第一个抗病毒药品齐多夫定在东北制药总厂被批准生产。
In August 2004 the US Air Force issued doctrine that laid out its aims for dominating space in time of conflict. 2004年8月美国空军出版的条令表达了在发生冲突时控制太空的目标。
In August 2004, Outdo fulfilled a new height, accompanying many mountaineering teams to conquer the 8200-meter Mt.Oyu. 2004年8月,高特攀登新高度,伴随多支登山队经历了最高海拔达8200米的奥友峰等山峰的种种严寒考验。
In August 2005, Mr Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli came with Mr Hayao Miyazaki to talk with me and my son (who controls the trust which owns the Earthsea copyrights). 在2005年的8月,吉卜力工作室的铃木敏夫先生和宫崎吾朗先生一起前来拜访我和我儿子(掌管地海版权的信用)。
In August 2006 there were rumours linking Grygera with a move to Tottenham Hotspur, although he responded to the speculation by insisting he does not see his future in the Premiership. 在2006年八月格里格拉曾经和托特纳姆热刺联系在一起,但他觉得英超并不适合自己所以没有转会。
In August 2006, Anadarko acquired Kerr-McGee Corporation and Western Gas Resources, Inc. and Kerr-McGee China Petroleum Ltd. has become one of his subsidiaries since then. 2006年8月,阿纳达科收购了科麦奇公司和西部天然气资源有限公司并将科麦奇中国石油有限公司变成其子公司之一。
In August Lego reported pre-tax profits of DKr238m for the first half of 2006, compared with a loss of DKr202m for the same period last year. 八月份的时候,乐高宣布2006年上半年公司税前盈利达到2亿3千8百万丹麦克朗,与之成对比的,去年同期乐高亏损了2亿2百万丹麦克朗。
In August of 1987-the summer of Harmonic Convergenceand again seven months later, in March of 1988, I experienced brief reality collapses, where segmented and stored events from a seemingly insignificant past came screaming forward, anxiously demanding a 在1987年8月夏天,7月后和声波再一次传递,在1988年3月,我经历短暂的实相崩溃,事件过去的划分从表面上变得无意义而且另人惊愕的向前,不安要求认可一个地方。
In August of 1994, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, in accordance with State Council directives, issued the Circular Concerning the Curbing of Illegal Activities within Pyramid Retailing. 1994年8月,国家工商行政管理局根据国务院指示发布《关于制止多层次传销活动中违法行为的通告》。

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