NieChengWen:Famous calligrapher, Shu Xie, vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Shuxie President. |
中文意思: 聂成文:著名书法家,中国书协副主席,辽宁省书协主席。 |
Nicole:Yeah. Luckily the company has a very good policy on maternity leave.
妮可:对。还好公司有非常好的产假制度。 |
Nicotine initially causes a rapid release of adrenaline,the “fight or flight”hormone .
最初尼古丁引起肾上腺素的快速释放,产生“打架或逃跑”激素。 |
Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.
尼古丁是一种使人吸烟上瘾的毒品。 |
Nicotine stays in breast milk for up to 5 hours after smoking.
抽完烟后尼古丁仍存留在母奶内可长达五个锺头。 |
Nida. Eugene A. The Theory and Practice of Translation [ M] .Leiden : E. J . Brill , 1969 :57.
朱永生.语法隐语理论的理据和贡献[J]外语教学与研究,2000(2):95-99. |
NieChengWen:Famous calligrapher, Shu Xie, vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Shuxie President.
聂成文:著名书法家,中国书协副主席,辽宁省书协主席。 |
Nieh, C.C. &J. B. Lin,“ Markov-Switching Analysis on Technology Uncertainty and Corporate Values --- The Case of Taiwan ,” Asian-Pacific Basin Economics, Finance and Accounting Conference Paper, 2002, September.
罗炜镫,林正宝,聂建中,「利率波动性与债券型基金净值之动态关系:台湾实证」,现代财务论坛,2003年5月。 |
Nieh, C.C. &J. B. Lin,”On the Relationship between Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Corporate Earnings --- Evidence from Taiwan ,” Asian-Pacific Basin Economics, Finance and Accounting Conference Paper, 2001, September.
林正宝、聂建中、范译仁,「技术不确定性与企业价值关系之研究」,知识与价值管理学术研讨会论文集,国立台北科技大学,页412-432,2002年12月。 |
Nien was a fierce beast.
年兽是一种凶猛的野兽。 |
Nieto and Anderson insist that it should be possible to correct for these factors and determine the direction of the anomalous force, especially in Pioneer 11's trajectory between Jupiter and Saturn.
尼托与安德森坚信这些因素可以更正,并确知异常作用力的方向,特别在先锋11号介于木星与土星间的轨迹。 |
Nietzsche begins by referring to the problem of evil. What does this phrase signify? What is the meaning of Nietzsche's solution?
尼采一开始就论及「罪恶的问题」,这意味著什麽?尼采的解答代表什麽意义? |