In the event that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress decides to declare a state of war or, by reason of turmoil within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region which endangers national unity or security and is beyond the control o
全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定宣布战争状态或因香港特别行政区内发生香港特别行政区政府不能控制的危及国家统一或安全的动乱而决定香港特别行政区进入紧急状态,中央人民政府可发布命令将有关全国性法律在香港特别行政区实施。 |
In the event that the Vessel shall have been the subject of capture seizure arrest restraint detainment confiscation or expropriation, and the Assured shall thereby have lost the free use and disposal of the Vessel for a continuous period of 12 months the
万一保险船舶已成为捕获、扣押、扣留、管制、拘押、没收或征用的标的,且被保险人因此已失去对保险船舶的自由使用和处分连续12个月,那么,为确定保险船舶是否推定全损之目的,被保险人应视为已被剥夺对保险船舶的占有无恢复占有的任何可能性。 |
In the event that the account keeping is based on a foreign currency due to business needs, such foreign currency shall be translated into national currency or local currency in the final statements.
而以外国货币记帐者,仍应在其决算表中,将外国货币折合国币或当地通用之货币。 |
In the event that the party concerned demands a diagnosis upon the cause of death, the medical instruction shall appoint doctors to perform the autopsy and laboratory tests; and then a diagnosis of the death cause can be made.
有关方面要求进行死亡原因诊断的,医疗机构应当指派医师进行尸体解剖及实验室检查后,方能作出死亡原因诊断。 |
In the event that the purchaser unjustifiably repudiates the contract, or does not meet his acceptance obligation, or is in arrears of over 30 days in respect of payments due, Mentor is entitled to demand damage compensation for non-performance.
如果客户不正当的违反合同或不承担接受产品的相应职责,或拖欠应付账款30天以上,门拓有权索要损失赔偿。 |
In the event that the request cannot be complied with, the requesting Party shall be promptly notified of that fact, and provided a statement of the reasons and circumstances which might be of importance for the further pursuit of the matter.
二、如该项请求无法执行,被请求方应尽快将此情况通知请求方,并就其原因及对进一步处理该项事宜可能具有重要意义的情况作出说明。 |
In the event that the suspension, revocation, or restriction of water rights under preceding Clause causes material damages to the user of the waters, the authority-in-charge shall measure and approve remedies for such damages and imposes the liabilities
前项水权之停止、撤销或限制,致使原用水人受有重大损害时,由主管机关按损害情形核定补偿,责由公共给水机构负担之。 |
In the event that the votes casted are equal, then the Chairman of meeting shall decide.
如果投票结果相等,则会议主席应做出决定。 |
In the event that there are problems with your room, you should call the front desk or housekeeping.
在房间有问题的情形时,你应该打电话给柜台或清扫部门。 |
In the event that there is more than one beneficiary, the insured or the applicant may specify the order of distribution of the payment of the insurance benefits and their respective proportions; in the absence of such specifications on proportions, all t
受益人为数人的,被保险人或者投保人可以确定受益顺序和受益份额;未确定受益份额的,受益人按照相等份额享有受益权。 |
In the event the account has had a default of payment lasting over 60 days the data may be retained by the credit reference agency until the expiry of five years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default or five years from the date of dis
假如该账户有拖欠还款逾60天的纪录,信贷资料机构可以保留有关纪录,直至欠款悉数清偿之日起计满5年为止,或银行接获解除破产令生效日期起计满5年为止,以较早发生者为准。 |