The limits of authority of the empowered city (prefectural) administrations for industry and commerce over punishment of foreign investment enterprises that violate the registration administrative decrees are defined by their respective empowered provinci
受权的市(地区)工商行政管理局对外商投资企业违反登记管理法规的行为进行处罚的权限,由其所在的受权的省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局区别具体情况,按照本规定的原则加以规定,并报国家工商行政管理局批准。 |
The limits of such ultimate legitimation are, in principle, coextensive with the limits of theoretical ambition and ingenuity on the part of the legitimators, the officially accredited definers of reality.
原则上,终极正当性的限制,以及对部分正当化者(实在的官方守护者)在理论上野心和巧妙的限制,这两种限制共同扩张。 |
The limits of the ministry's flirtation with openness last year became quickly evident when foot-andmouth broke out near the capital (it had done so before, but the ministry kept quiet about it).
当局把玩透明度的限度在去年首都周边地区爆发口蹄疫时展现得淋漓尽致(已有先例,但当局一贯对此三缄其)。 |
The limits should be achievable and verifiable.
这些限度应该是可以达到的并且是可以被证实的。 |
The limpid sea water with high visibility and the magical marine world are the favorite of amateur divers.
能见度极高的海水和五彩斑斓的海底世界更是潜水爱好者的最爱。 |
The limpid streams, quiet valleys rare tree species and dense vegetation here, all contribute to its primeval beauty.
典型的石英岩山体成就了独特旖旎的自然风光,清澈的溪流宁静的山谷。 |
The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty.
跛行的虾冲动实现强制的职责。 |
The line AB intersects the line CD at E.
直线AB与直线CD相交於E点. |
The line AB intersects the line CD at E.
线段ab和线段cd相交于e点。 |
The line can punch the truck chassis side-member and side panel of carriage with high precision, short period and high agility and reduce the storage in production greatly.
生产线可实现卡车底盘纵梁及车厢边框的冲制,具有精度高、生产周期短、灵活性强等优点,并可大大减少生产环节的库存量。 |
The line could extend out to early 2012 based on these current projections.
按照目前的计划,生产线可能会延长到2012年初。 |